booxtream-epub-drm-remover copied to clipboard
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrs'
I'm unable to run the script on Ubuntu 16.10:
$ python -V
Python 2.7.12+
$ python -i test.epub -o out.epub
Curing test.epub ...
[parseContainer] Found entrypoint to ePub: OPS/content.opf
=== Removing 'Ex Libris' watermark (WM0) ===
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 318, in <module>
File "", line 306, in main
File "", line 49, in wm0
exlibris_filename = dict(exlibris.attrs)[u'href']
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'attrs'
Thanks for reporting - could you send me the epub file you tested the script with? My email is in my profile.
Hey grayleonard,
Just to let you know I ran into the exact same issue today - using macOs Sierra 10.12.4.
Went through some pain to make the correct version of python and the needed dependencies work altogether on my mac (py version = 2, imagemagick 6.9 and not 7) ; now I am all set, but same bug as previously mentioned by falcon-1. Let me know if you want me to send you the epub file I have for testing.
my2cents : in OEBPS/content.opf, there ain't no tag with id "exlibris".
Digging further, the watermarks in the file I have don't fit what's described... I'll try and remove the sneaky data myself by hand before uploading... For your record : in the Text folder files (xhtml) at the end :
<p(...)>Tirage n° [email protected]</p>
<!-- customer .... + timestamp + -->
Thanks for the tool anyway!
Ah interesting, thanks for the description @l0new4nder3r. There's no error handling in the script, and I imagine new .epubs have slighly different DRM methods that throw off the script. My email is in my profile, thanks for offering to send it over!
No worries, I thought so (even tho I dunno much about python, I am a java dev). I think that this one ebook has no proper drm, only watermarks to track who bought the book - why I fell on you github anyway :-)
Mail coming in a few, thx for the answer!
Got it, taking a look now.
Hey @l0new4nder3r - just pushed e6923b2, and your file should be handled correctly. However, the file you sent has different protections -- doesn't seem like it uses Booxtream.