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Docker, Kubernetes and Gravity Trainings by Gravitational

Results 8 workshop issues
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Replacing the deprecated syntax of the "kubectl run my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80 --record" command with new format "kubectl create deployment my-nginx --image=nginx --replicas=2 --port=80"

The Gravity version used in Gravity 101 should be updated to the latest LTS version.

Current [Logging Workshop section]( pertains specifically to Gravity 5.5 and earlier. Logging stack has changed in 6.X+, training should be expanded to reflect the changes.

When following gravity101 training, it was noticed that the alpine pod get's installed in the kube-system namespace when using the v1 prebuilt version.

Current Monitoring/Alerts section pertains to Gravity 5.5 and earlier This task covers extending the training section to involve Gravity 6.X+ Also a new section should be added to the Monitoring/Alerts...

Add some discussion or section on log forwarder: - How log forwarder works - How to customize - How to troubleshoot (can be discussed in fire drills)

I would much prefer the version. So you can easily use an external registry. ```$ export registry="$(kubectl get svc/registry -ojsonpath='{.spec.clusterIP}'):5000"$ export registry=$(kubectl get svc/registry -ojsonpath="{.spec.clusterIP}") ```

Capturing some feedback from latest training workshop related to Docker 101 section: *Incorporate best practices for writing dockerfile *Developer experience, at what point to introduce docker at your company (may...