extentreports-cucumber6-adapter copied to clipboard
Cucumber-JVM 6 Adapter for Extent Framework
Hi, I am a little bit confused and might be trying something awkward. In the end, I explained what I have found in the code. This is what I am...
tech.grasshopper.pdf.exception.PdfReportException: No features present in test execution. at tech.grasshopper.pdf.data.ReportData.populateCounts(ReportData.java:83) at tech.grasshopper.pdf.data.ReportData.populateSectionData(ReportData.java:72) at tech.grasshopper.pdf.PDFCucumberReport.(PDFCucumberReport.java:72) at tech.grasshopper.pdf.extent.ExtentPDFCucumberReporter.flush(ExtentPDFCucumberReporter.java:93) at tech.grasshopper.pdf.extent.ExtentPDFCucumberReporter$1.onNext(ExtentPDFCucumberReporter.java:69) at tech.grasshopper.pdf.extent.ExtentPDFCucumberReporter$1.onNext(ExtentPDFCucumberReporter.java:62) at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.PublishSubject$PublishDisposable.onNext(PublishSubject.java:310) at io.reactivex.rxjava3.subjects.PublishSubject.onNext(PublishSubject.java:226) at com.aventstack.extentreports.ReactiveSubject.onFlush(ReactiveSubject.java:83) at com.aventstack.extentreports.AbstractProcessor.onFlush(AbstractProcessor.java:96) at com.aventstack.extentreports.ExtentReports.flush(ExtentReports.java:279) at...
Hi I am working on a web proj.. wih extend report the html report is all gud but pdf gets generated in the location as mentioned in properties file but...
When we use after, afterStep hooks for screenshot purpose its adding entire package path for hooks to report. How can this be avoided? could you please suggest...! thanks in advance...
HI I hope it is ok to ask for help here regarding screenshots attachment to extent reports. I have the following screen shot code in my framework to attach screenshots...
I am using org.testng Interface IRetryAnalyzer to retry the failed scenarios. I am able to remove the scenarios from testng context, however, the extent report still shows all the entries...
Hi I am working on a project with extent report ,the html report is all good but as per requirement I have to display each step execution time as it...
Hello, There is an issue with JDK 16 because of a dependency called lombok. This dependency is coming from extentreports library and throws such an error: `Failed to execute goal...
In the pdf report, for scenarios with status “AMBIGUOUS” the corresponding step is marked as passed. The same status is seen in spark report also. For example if the scenario...