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GraphQL integration for WebOb based frameworks: Pyramid, Pylons...


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Adds GraphQL support to your WebOb (Pyramid, Pylons, ...) application.


Use the GraphQLView view from webob_graphql


from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
from pyramid.view import view_config

from webob_graphql import serve_graphql_request

from schema import schema

def graphql_view(request):
    return GraphQLView(request=request, schema=schema, graphiql=True).dispatch_request(request)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Configurator() as config:
        config.add_route('graphql', '/graphql')
        config.add_view(graphql_view, route_name='graphql')
        app = config.make_wsgi_app()
    server = make_server('', 6543, app)

This will add /graphql endpoint to your app and enable the GraphiQL IDE.

Supported options for GraphQLView

  • schema: The GraphQLSchema object that you want the view to execute when it gets a valid request.
  • context: A value to pass as the context_value to graphql execute function. By default is set to dict with request object at key request.
  • root_value: The root_value you want to provide to graphql execute.
  • pretty: Whether or not you want the response to be pretty printed JSON.
  • graphiql: If True, may present GraphiQL when loaded directly from a browser (a useful tool for debugging and exploration).
  • graphiql_version: The graphiql version to load. Defaults to "1.0.3".
  • graphiql_template: Inject a Jinja template string to customize GraphiQL.
  • graphiql_html_title: The graphiql title to display. Defaults to "GraphiQL".
  • batch: Set the GraphQL view as batch (for using in Apollo-Client or ReactRelayNetworkLayer)
  • middleware: A list of graphql middlewares.
  • encode: the encoder to use for responses (sensibly defaults to graphql_server.json_encode).
  • format_error: the error formatter to use for responses (sensibly defaults to graphql_server.default_format_error.
  • enable_async: whether async mode will be enabled.
  • subscriptions: The GraphiQL socket endpoint for using subscriptions in graphql-ws.
  • headers: An optional GraphQL string to use as the initial displayed request headers, if not provided, the stored headers will be used.
  • default_query: An optional GraphQL string to use when no query is provided and no stored query exists from a previous session. If not provided, GraphiQL will use its own default query.
  • header_editor_enabled: An optional boolean which enables the header editor when true. Defaults to false.
  • should_persist_headers: An optional boolean which enables to persist headers to storage when true. Defaults to false.


Since v3, webob-graphql code lives at graphql-server repository to keep any breaking change on the base package on sync with all other integrations. In order to contribute, please take a look at CONTRIBUTING.md.