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Deep nested objects in django won't work due to async
- GraphQL AioWS version: (not using AioWS, only django-channels)
- Python version: 3.8.2
- Operating System: MacOSX
I am trying to get clients to subscribe to my graphql with a nested object in django. The request looks like this:
subscription {
taskUpdated(id:"04a5e92bc9084ad981481ab4314a1d33", updateInterval: 3) {
result {
profiles {
Tasks contain one result which contain multiple profiles.
What I Did
In my subscription class I used the sync_to_async method which works if used for the first level:
class Subscription(graphene.ObjectType):
task_updated = graphene.Field(
TaskType, id=graphene.String(), update_interval=graphene.Int()
async def resolve_task_updated(root, info, id, update_interval):
while True:
print("While true")
task = await sync_to_async(Task.objects.get, thread_sensitive=True)(
yield task
await asyncio.sleep(update_interval)
Using the query only targeting everything works perfectly. Once I try to target task.result (which is a new object). I receive the error:
You cannot call this from an async context - use a thread or sync_to_async.
I managed to get a workaround by updating the TaskType and updating the resolver for the result like so:
class TaskType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = TaskModel
fields = "__all__"
result = graphene.Field(TaskResultType)
async def resolve_result(self, info):
return await sync_to_async(
TaskResult.objects.get, thread_sensitive=True
That way I could get to the next level (task -> result). When I try to subscribe to task -> result -> profiles there is no way to receive the data anymore. The same error from above is thrown. Even if I update the ResultType accordingly to fetch all profiles async:
class TaskResultType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = TaskResult
fields = "__all__"
profiles = graphene.List(ProfileType)
async def resolve_profiles(self, info):
return await sync_to_async(
Profile.objects.filter, thread_sensitive=True
I thought dynamic querying of objects and subscribing to nested objects would be an out of the box functionality but it is really difficult. I can't be the only person using this repo to actually receive ORM data?
UP ! Any news about this issue ? I have the same error. Actualy the only way is to override resolver in all model type.
Facing the same issue. Will there be an update? Or does it have to do with the implementation.
UP ! Any news about this issue ? I have the same error. Actualy the only way is to override resolver in all model type.
Could you please elaborate ?
I have ended by used ObjectType because ModelType always return error with relationship as you think actualy I can't use async with the proper way. I can find code change in graphql-ws for make it work if you want.
I have ended by used ObjectType because ModelType always return error with relationship as you think actualy I can't use async with the proper way. I can find code change in graphql-ws for make it work if you want.
Hey thank you for the quick response. If you can help that would be great. Also, I'll put my code below for you reference.
This is my `
class Subscription(graphene.ObjectType):
new_message = graphene.Context(team_id = graphene.Int())
async def resolve_new_message(self, info,team_id):
user = info.context['user']
channel_name = await channel_layer.new_channel()
await channel_layer.group_add(str(team_id), channel_name)
while True:
message = await channel_layer.receive(channel_name)
yield database_sync_to_async(lambda: Message.objects.get(id=message['id']))()
except Exception as e:
await channel_layer.group_discard(str(user.team_name), channel_name)
Below is my
class MessageType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Message
fields = "__all__"
Any and all help is much appreciated!!!!
Up! I guess? No news for one year?