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Question about querying a single resource with flask sqlalchemy example.
I have followed the example at and have a question.
I can issue the following query to list all employees and their departments.
allEmployees {
edges {
node {
department {
I would like to be able to query a single employee name and their department name by employee id. I can query using the Node interface, but that doesn't allow me to access Employee name field. Am I supposed to "cast" this to the specific Employee type to do that? What I would like is something like:
employee(id: "someid") {
department {
Is this reasonable or am I "doing it wrong"? What is best practice for accessing a single employee using the Relay connections/nodes/edges paradigm?
Many thanks in advance!
Just add it to your Query class:
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
node = relay.Node.Field()
all_employees = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(Employee)
employee = relay.Node.Field(Employee)
That did the trick. Thanks so much for the pointers!
@mojochao @neriusmika What if you need to find by Employee name or any other field ? How do we expose that, Could not find an example here on querying by any other field.
You could do something like this.
find_employee = graphene.Field(lambda: Employee, name=graphene.String())
def resolve_find_employee(self, args, context, info):
query = Employee.get_query(context)
name = args.get('name')
return query.filter( == name).first()
Anyone know how its possible to do custom resolve methods on a single item?
import graphene
from .Model import Client
from graphene_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyConnectionField
from app.schema.authorizers import login_req
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
clients = SQLAlchemyConnectionField(Client)
client = graphene.relay.Node.Field(Client)
def resolve_clients(self, info, **kwargs):
query = Client.get_query(info)
return query.all()
def resolve_client(self,info):
# stuff?
It seems that resolve_SINGLERELAYITEM isn't looking to the query resolve method?
You could do something like this.
find_employee = graphene.Field(lambda: Employee, name=graphene.String()) def resolve_find_employee(self, args, context, info): query = Employee.get_query(context) name = args.get('name') return query.filter( == name).first()
Thanks for the pointers @navinesh. This worked great:
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
find_employee = graphene.Field(lambda: Employee, name=graphene.String())
def resolve_find_employee(self, info, **kwargs):
query = Employee.get_query(info)
name = kwargs.get("name")
return query.filter( == name).first()
query FindEmployeeByName($name: String = "Tracy") {
findEmployee(name: $name) {
department {
Hi, I have a tag model and I would like to search for a specific tag with a specific name. Here is what I have , based on what was described above
from datetime import datetime
from graphene_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemyObjectType,SQLAlchemyConnectionField
from database.base import db_session
from database.models.model_post import ModelPost
from database.models.model_image import ModelImage
from database.models.model_posttag import PostsTags
from database.models.model_tag import ModelTag
from database.models.model_user import ModelUser
from database.models.model_locale import ModelLocale
import graphene
from helpers import utils
# Create a generic class to mutualize description of user attributes for both queries and mutations
class TagAttribute:
name = graphene.String(description="Tag Name")
isactive = graphene.Boolean(description="is active")
class Tag(SQLAlchemyObjectType):
"""Tag node."""
class Meta:
model = ModelTag
interfaces = (graphene.relay.Node,)
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
tagToFind = graphene.Field(lambda: Tag, name=graphene.String())
def resolve_find_tag(self, info, **kwargs):
query = Tag.get_query(info)
name = kwargs.get("name")
return query.filter( == name).first()
class CreateTagInput(graphene.InputObjectType, TagAttribute):
"""Arguments to create a tag."""
class CreateTag(graphene.Mutation):
"""Mutation to create a tag."""
tag = graphene.Field(lambda: Tag, description="tag created by this mutation.")
class Arguments:
input = CreateTagInput(required=True)
def mutate(self, info, input):
data = utils.input_to_dictionary(input)
data['created_at'] = datetime.utcnow()
data['updated_at'] = datetime.utcnow()
tag = ModelTag(**data)
return CreateTag(tag=tag)
class UpdateTagInput(graphene.InputObjectType, TagAttribute):
"""Arguments to update a tag."""
id = graphene.ID(required=True, description="Global Id of the tag.")
class UpdateTag(graphene.Mutation):
"""Update a tag."""
tag = graphene.Field(lambda: Tag, description="tag updated by this mutation.")
class Arguments:
input = UpdateTagInput(required=True)
def mutate(self, info, input):
data = utils.input_to_dictionary(input)
data['updated_at'] = datetime.utcnow()
tag = db_session.query(ModelTag).filter_by(id=data['id'])
tag = db_session.query(ModelTag).filter_by(id=data['id']).first()
return UpdateTag(tag=tag)
Here is a query that I have
query FindTagByName($name: String ="searchstring"){
findTag(name: $name) {
but I am getting this error
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong here ? Thanks