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[FEAT] Support upto Federation v2.7

Open mak626 opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

Supported versions, v1.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7

All directives are purely based on apollo-specs.

Some non existent directive like@extend which acted like @key was deprecated.

Migration Guide

For V1 @extend can be replaced by @extends and @key combination For V2 just @key is enough. Deprecate enable_federation_2 in favour of federation_version

Updated Docs


Supported Features

  • sdl (_service on field): enable to add schema in federation (as is)

Apollo Spec Supported

  • [x] v1.0
  • [x] v2.0
  • [x] v2.1
  • [x] v2.2
  • [x] v2.3
  • [x] v2.4
  • [x] v2.5
  • [x] v2.6 STABLE_VERSION . Rover dev supports only upto v2.6
  • [x] v2.7 LATEST_VERSION

All directives could be easily integrated with the help of graphene-directives. Now every directive's values are validated at run time itself by graphene-directives.

Directives (v2.7)

directive @composeDirective(name: String!) repeatable on SCHEMA
directive @extends on OBJECT | INTERFACE
directive @external on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @key(fields: FieldSet!, resolvable: Boolean = true) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE
directive @inaccessible on
  | ENUM
directive @interfaceObject on OBJECT
directive @override(from: String!, label: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @provides(fields: FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @requires(fields: FieldSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @shareable repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION | OBJECT
directive @tag(name: String!) repeatable on
  | ENUM
directive @authenticated on
  | ENUM
directive @requiresScopes(scopes: [[federation__Scope!]!]!) on
  | ENUM
directive @policy(policies: [[federation__Policy!]!]!) on
  | ENUM
scalar federation__Policy
scalar federation__Scope
scalar FieldSet

Read about directives in official documentation

Each type which is decorated with @key or @extends is added to the _Entity union. The __resolve_reference method can be defined for each type that is an entity. Note that since the notation with double underscores can be problematic in Python for model inheritance this resolver method can also be named _resolve_reference (the __resolve_reference method will take precedence if both are declared).

This method is called whenever an entity is requested as part of the fulfilling a query plan. If not explicitly defined, the default resolver is used. The default resolver just creates instance of type with passed fieldset as kwargs, see entity.get_entity_query for more details

  • You should define __resolve_reference, if you need to extract object before passing it to fields resolvers (example: FileNode)
  • You should not define __resolve_reference, if fields resolvers need only data passed in fieldset (example: FunnyText) Read more in official documentation.


Here is an example of implementation based on the Apollo Federation introduction example. It implements a federation schema for a basic e-commerce application over three services: accounts, products, reviews.


First add an account service that expose a User type that can then be referenced in other services by its id field:

from graphene import Field, Int, ObjectType, String

from graphene_federation import build_schema, key

class User(ObjectType):
    id = Int(required=True)
    username = String(required=True)

    def __resolve_reference(self, info, **kwargs):
        Here we resolve the reference of the user entity referenced by its `id` field.
        return User(, email=f"user_{}")

class Query(ObjectType):
    me = Field(User)

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True)


The product service exposes a Product type that can be used by other services via the upc field:

from graphene import Argument, Int, List, ObjectType, String

from graphene_federation import build_schema, key

class Product(ObjectType):
    upc = String(required=True)
    name = String(required=True)
    price = Int()

    def __resolve_reference(self, info, **kwargs):
        Here we resolve the reference of the product entity referenced by its `upc` field.
        return Product(upc=self.upc, name=f"product {self.upc}")

class Query(ObjectType):
    topProducts = List(Product, first=Argument(Int, default_value=5))

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True)


The reviews service exposes a Review type which has a link to both the User and Product types. It also has the ability to provide the username of the User. On top of that it adds to the User/Product types (that are both defined in other services) the ability to get their reviews.

from graphene import Field, Int, List, ObjectType, String

from graphene_federation import build_schema, external, key, provides

class User(ObjectType):
    id = external(Int(required=True))
    reviews = List(lambda: Review)

    def resolve_reviews(self, info, *args, **kwargs):
        Get all the reviews of a given user. (not implemented here)
        return []

class Product(ObjectType):
    upc = external(String(required=True))
    reviews = List(lambda: Review)

class Review(ObjectType):
    body = String()
    author = provides(Field(User), fields="username")
    product = Field(Product)

class Query(ObjectType):
    review = Field(Review)

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True)


Note that each schema declaration for the services is a valid graphql schema (it only adds the _Entity and _Service types). The best way to check that the decorator are set correctly is to request the service sdl:

from graphql import graphql

query = """
query {
    _service {

result = graphql(schema, query)

Those can then be used in a federated schema.

You can find more examples in the unit / integration tests and examples folder.

There is also a cool example of integration with Mongoengine.

Other Notes

build_schema new arguments

  • schema_directives (Collection[SchemaDirective]): Directives that can be defined at DIRECTIVE_LOCATION.SCHEMA with their argument values.
  • include_graphql_spec_directives (bool): Includes directives defined by GraphQL spec (@include, @skip, @deprecated, @specifiedBy)
  • enable_federation_2 (bool): Whether to enable federation 2 directives (default False)
  • federation_version (FederationVersion): Specify the version explicit (default LATEST_VERSION)

In case both enable_federation_2 and federation_version are specified, federation_version is given higher priority

Directives Additional arguments

  • federation_version: (FederationVersion = LATEST_VERSION) : You can use this to take a directive from a particular federation version

Note: The federation_version in build_schema is given higher priority. If the directive you have chosen is not compatible, it will raise an error

Custom Directives

You can define custom directives as follows

from graphene import Field, ObjectType, String
from graphql import GraphQLArgument, GraphQLInt, GraphQLNonNull

from graphene_federation import DirectiveLocation, FederationDirective
from graphene_federation import build_schema

CacheDirective = FederationDirective(
    locations=[DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation.OBJECT],
        "maxAge": GraphQLArgument(
            GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt), description="Specifies the maximum age for cache in seconds."
    description="Caching directive to control cache behavior.",

cache = CacheDirective.decorator()

class Review(ObjectType):
    body = cache(field=String(),max_age=100)

class Query(ObjectType):
    review = Field(Review)

schema = build_schema(

This will automatically add @link and @composeDirective to schema

extend schema
	@link(url: "", import: ["@composeDirective"])
	@link(url: "", import: ["@cache"])
	@composeDirective(name: "@cache")

"""Caching directive to control cache behavior."""
directive @cache(
  """Specifies the maximum age for cache in seconds."""
  maxAge: Int!

type Query {
  review: Review
  _service: _Service!

type Review  @cache(maxAge: 20) {
  body: String @cache(maxAge: 100)

If you wish to add the schema_directives @link @composeDirective manually. You can pass the add_to_schema_directives as False

from graphene import Field, ObjectType, String
from graphql import GraphQLArgument, GraphQLInt, GraphQLNonNull

from graphene_federation import DirectiveLocation, FederationDirective, build_schema, compose_directive, link_directive

CacheDirective = FederationDirective(
    locations=[DirectiveLocation.FIELD_DEFINITION, DirectiveLocation.OBJECT],
        "maxAge": GraphQLArgument(
            GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt), description="Specifies the maximum age for cache in seconds."
    description="Caching directive to control cache behavior.",

cache = CacheDirective.decorator()

class Review(ObjectType):
    body = cache(field=String(), max_age=100)

class Query(ObjectType):
    review = Field(Review)

schema = build_schema(
        link_directive(url="", import_=['@cache']),

Custom field name

When using decorator on a field with custom name

Case 1 (auto_camelcase=False)

class User(ObjectType):
    identifier = ID()
    email = String(name="validEmail")

class Query(ObjectType):
    user = Field(User)

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True, auto_camelcase=False) # Disable auto_camelcase

This works correctly. By default fields of @key,@requires and @provides are not converted to camel case if auto_camelcase is set to False

Case 2 (auto_camelcase=True)

class User(ObjectType):
    identifier = ID()
    email = String(name="valid_email")

class Query(ObjectType):
    user = Field(User)

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True) # auto_camelcase Enabled

This will raise an error @key, field "validEmail" does not exist on type "User". Because The decorator auto camel-cased the field value of key, as schema has auto_camelcase=True (default)

To fix this, pass auto_case=False in the @key, @requires or @provides argument

@key("valid_email", auto_case=False)
class User(ObjectType):
    identifier = ID()
    email = String(name="valid_email")

class Query(ObjectType):
    user = Field(User)

schema = build_schema(query=Query, enable_federation_2=True) # auto_camelcase=True

mak626 avatar Feb 23 '24 09:02 mak626

Pull Request Test Coverage Report for Build 8788451656


  • 604 of 819 (73.75%) changed or added relevant lines in 49 files are covered.
  • 3 unchanged lines in 1 file lost coverage.
  • Overall coverage decreased (-17.1%) to 73.6%

Changes Missing Coverage Covered Lines Changed/Added Lines %
graphene_federation/directives/ 13 14 92.86%
graphene_federation/directives/ 15 16 93.75%
graphene_federation/directives/ 13 14 92.86%
graphene_federation/validators/ 18 19 94.74%
graphene_federation/directives/ 12 14 85.71%
graphene_federation/directives/ 12 14 85.71%
graphene_federation/directives/ 12 14 85.71%
graphene_federation/directives/ 17 19 89.47%
graphene_federation/directives/ 17 19 89.47%
graphene_federation/schema_directives/ 3 5 60.0%
<!-- Total: 604 819
Files with Coverage Reduction New Missed Lines %
graphene_federation/ 3 52.94%
<!-- Total: 3
Totals Coverage Status
Change from base Build 5063747249: -17.1%
Covered Lines: 644
Relevant Lines: 875

💛 - Coveralls

coveralls avatar Feb 23 '24 09:02 coveralls

Added support for federation v2.7

mak626 avatar Mar 08 '24 19:03 mak626

This has been tagged and released as patch while it's actually a major. Indeed this introduced a breaking change by removing the extend directive. Maybe we need to adjust the release tag to reflect this?

tcleonard avatar Jun 04 '24 12:06 tcleonard

This has been tagged and released as patch while it's actually a major. Indeed this introduced a breaking change by removing the extend directive. Maybe we need to adjust the release tag to reflect this?

I agree. @arunsureshkumar @erikwrede @patrick91 can we release this under major version. Is it possible to rollback the previous release too?

mak626 avatar Jun 04 '24 14:06 mak626

+1 on this being a breaking change.

Assuming this project intends to support semver, this should definitely be a major version release.

If no, could we make clear that this package does not follow semver?

lyndsysimon avatar Jun 06 '24 17:06 lyndsysimon

Hey @tcleonard, @mak626 @lyndsysimon. This is a delicate issue, as Graphene / GraphQL Core are not really semver compliant themselves, and most Graphene libraries try to follow the 3.x pattern to signify compatibility with the newest Graphene 3 version.

Since this really is a breaking change, let's bump the version to 4.0 here. I've yanked the current release from PyPi, meaning users can only access it when pinning to 3.1.5 to not add more confusion and will push a new 4.0 release if you all agree. How does that sound?

erikwrede avatar Jun 06 '24 17:06 erikwrede

Hey @tcleonard, @mak626 @lyndsysimon. This is a delicate issue, as Graphene / GraphQL Core are not really semver compliant themselves, and most Graphene libraries try to follow the 3.x pattern to signify compatibility with the newest Graphene 3 version.

Since this really is a breaking change, let's bump the version to 4.0 here. I've yanked the current release from PyPi, meaning users can only access it when pinning to 3.1.5 to not add more confusion and will push a new 4.0 release if you all agree. How does that sound?

@erikwrede Since the latest graphene version is 3.3 . I think we should bump graphene-federation to 3.3.0 from 3.1.4. I agree a major change should be reflected as 4.x.x based on semver conventions, but since all packages of graphql-python do not follow semver. We should stick with graphene versioning.

Let's also add the following notes in the release.

Breaking Changes

  • @extend decorator is deprecated due to not being officially present in GraphQL spec.
  • Deprecate enable_federation_2 argument of build_schema(...) in favour of federation_version argument

Migration Guide

  • @extend decorator
    • For V1 @extend can be replaced by @extends and @key combination
    • For V2 just @key is enough.
  • enable_federation_2 argument of build_schema
    • For V1 set federation_version=FederationVersion.VERSION_1_0 in build_schema(...)
    • For V2 you can omit federation_version to use the latest stable v2 version in build_schema(...)

mak626 avatar Jun 07 '24 05:06 mak626

Hey @tcleonard, @mak626 @lyndsysimon. This is a delicate issue, as Graphene / GraphQL Core are not really semver compliant themselves, and most Graphene libraries try to follow the 3.x pattern to signify compatibility with the newest Graphene 3 version.

Since this really is a breaking change, let's bump the version to 4.0 here. I've yanked the current release from PyPi, meaning users can only access it when pinning to 3.1.5 to not add more confusion and will push a new 4.0 release if you all agree. How does that sound?

@erikwrede - In my view, the best possible option for us here is to bump to 3.2.0.

arunsureshkumar avatar Jun 07 '24 14:06 arunsureshkumar