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Calling "t.modify" makes modified field required even if has a custom resolver
Modifying a field on a type surprisingly modifies the generated "source type", on the object, even if the signature is the same. This causes typing errors in the parent field resolver.
import { interfaceType, objectType } from 'nexus';
export const Node = interfaceType({
name: 'Node',
definition(t) {'id', {
resolve() {
return '<example>';
export const ChildObjectType = objectType({
name: 'ChildObjectType',
definition(t) {
// Without this, there are no typing errors,
// and the parent only needs to resolve "firstName" & "lastName".
// But when added, it complains about the parent not passing "id" as well.
t.modify('id', {
resolve() {
return '<modified-example>';
t.nonNull.string('fullName', {
resolve(source) {
return `${source.firstName} ${source.lastName}`;
export const ParentObjectType = objectType({
name: 'ParentObjectType',
definition(t) {
t.field('child', {
type: ChildObjectType,
resolve() { // <-- This is where it throws a type error
return {
firstName: 'child',
lastName: 'child',
Generated typescript output:
// Without modifying "id"
export interface NexusGenObjects {
ChildObjectType: {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
// After modifying "id"
export interface NexusGenObjects {
ChildObjectType: {
id: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
I'm experiencing the same thing.
Found out that re-declaring the field on the subtype instead of using t.modify
acts as a workaround.