nexus-plugin-prisma copied to clipboard
Type problem when creating entity
After the upgrade to 0.25.0
I get a lot of type problems, like this one:
(property) tags?: string | Prisma.ClientCreatetagsInput | string[]
Type '{ set?: string[]; }' is not assignable to type 'string | ClientCreatetagsInput | string[]'.
Type '{ set?: string[]; }' is not assignable to type 'ClientCreatetagsInput'.
Property 'set' is optional in type '{ set?: string[]; }' but required in type 'ClientCreatetagsInput'.ts(2322)
index.d.ts(23714, 5): The expected type comes from property 'tags' which is declared here on type 'ClientCreateInput'
In this case it looks something like this:
t.field('createOneClient', {
type: 'Client',
args: {
tags: arg({ type: 'ClientCreatetagsInput' }),
resolve: async (_parent, { tags }, ctx) => {
const client = await ctx.prisma.client.create({data: { tags }})
So, for the inputObject I am using the type generated, but it still complains
Changing all instances of set?:
to set:
in the nexus typegen solved all my errors so this only seems to be happening for models with scalar lists. Obviously, this isn't a solution but confirmed the problem is with the set