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Unknown argument: boilerplate

Open pvijeh opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

❯ graphql create my-app --boilerplate react-fullstack-basic graphql create [directory]

Bootstrap a new GraphQL project

Options: --dotenv Path to .env file [string] -p, --project Project name [string] --no-install Don't install project dependencies [boolean] [default: false] -h, --help Show help [boolean] -v, --version Show version number [boolean] Unknown argument: boilerplate

pvijeh avatar Jan 03 '20 18:01 pvijeh

@pvijeh - You can try "graphql create my-site" and you'll be given a number of boilerplates to choose from.

However, it seems odd that the "react-fullstack-advanced" boilerplate is not listed in the list of templates that are provided to the user in the console ( As such, please note there are a lot of open issues.

ACPK avatar Jan 04 '20 20:01 ACPK

I can't vouch for the current state of the react-fullstack-advanced boilerplate, but it's easy enough to enable that variant for the CLI tool. After an npm install of graphql-cli, just edit the boilerplate list in node_modules/graphql-cli/dist/cmds/create/boilerplates.js and add an entry in the same form as the ones for /minimal and /basic, then run graphql create.

Maybe the exclusion of the react-fullstack-advanced boilerplate was intentional because the boilerplate itself isn't ready; I can't tell. But the names and URLs are all hardwired in that file.

chris-hailstorm avatar Feb 24 '20 19:02 chris-hailstorm