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HTTP Request to Hasura seems to be not working with current header
I am not able to send a POST request to Hasura both on simply from docker-compose
setup and Heroku
as instructed in the tutorial.
Whenever I send a request, it returns error like below even from a Postman.
{"errors":[{"extensions":{"path":"$","code":"invalid-json"},"message":"Error in $: not enough input"}]}
I currently have same logic Client on Flutter using ferry like this - any idea why Hasura denies access? ( I guess I need to add some additional header?)
Client initClient(String url, String secret) {
final link = HttpLink(
defaultHeaders: {
'x-hasura-admin-secret': secret,
final cache = Cache();
final client = Client(
link: link,
cache: cache,
return client;
P.S. Thanks for the nice tutorial on Youtube!
Widget error is like this - looks like
is null
The following _CastError was thrown building StreamBuilder<OperationResponse<GFetchRecipeListData,
GFetchRecipeListVars>>(dirty, state: _StreamBuilderBaseState<OperationResponse<GFetchRecipeListData,
GFetchRecipeListVars>, AsyncSnapshot<OperationResponse<GFetchRecipeListData,
Null check operator used on a null value
The relevant error-causing widget was:
StreamBuilder<OperationResponse<GFetchRecipeListData, GFetchRecipeListVars>>
Since I am using Dart2.0 and with null-safety, it always crashes at recipes!isEmpty
final recipes =;
if (recipes!.isEmpty) {
return _buildNoRecipes(context);