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Create progressive web apps using 100% Kotlin.

Kotlin PWA starter-kit

Create progressive web apps using 100% Kotlin.

Demo: https://kotlin-pwa-starter-kit.herokuapp.com/

Starter-kit PWA features include:

  • Button to subscribe/unsubscribe to web push notifications on supported browsers
  • Offline work
  • "Add to home page" functionality on mobile devices

Get started

Run app: ./gradlew browserDevelopmentRun

Run app with hot reload: ./gradlew browserDevelopmentRun --continuous *will not hot reload service worker

Build for production: ./gradlew build. The bundled files reside in build/distributions directory.


This starter kit is a Gradle project that uses the Kotlin/JS Gradle plugin and consists of two modules - client and service worker.

Both modules use Kotlin Coroutines library to handle asynchronous operations in a way idiomatic to Kotlin.

Client module includes React and styled-components libraries wrapped in Kotlin.