Is it possible to create multiple shortcuts for different environments? such as: ``` Update.exe --createShortcut=App.exe --shortcut-locations=Startup --process-start-args "dev" ``` ``` Update.exe --createShortcut=App.exe --shortcut-locations=Startup --process-start-args "uat" ``` ``` Update.exe --createShortcut=App.exe --shortcut-locations=Startup...
Thanks a lot! Your help is highly appreciated. I came from the C#/WPF world, would love to hear your thoughts on Aurelia vs. Angular or other similar frameworks.
Hi there, happy new year! Aurelia beta has been released for some time. I wonder if you will have some time in the near future to update this project. Thanks...
@effervescentia Yes, I am very interested in your project. I'll take a look at it whenever you get the chance to release it. Thank you so much!