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Chordentlich - A robust Chord DHT implementation in Python
Chord is a distributed hash table as described by Ion Stoica et al [1]. We provide an implementation written in Python 3 developed for the course P2P Network Security at TU Munich.
- Simple key / value storage
- Simple replication to handle failing or departing nodes (re-distribution missing)
- Maintains several immediate successors for a stable and consistent Chord ring [[2]]
- Public key or IP as peer identifier
For more documentation see the paper available at:
and also the class documentation you find on:
Setup for GNU/Linux Systems
You need to install pip for python 3 first to install further packages. On Debian/Ubuntu run
apt-get install python3-pip
on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS run
yum install python3-pip
now install the modules:
pip3 install jsonschema
pip3 install aiomas
Run nodes
We provided a test script for the Gnome and XFCE desktop environment. To start them use either
You can add 3 nodes by calling
Now you can start
to add content to the DHT. You can store and
lookup by a integer key here. Just follow the instructions.
Run custom nodes
You can run nodes with custom properties using the console. For example:
python3 -i 1333 -b 1337 -B
runs a node on port 1333 with bootstrap node The parameters are:
-i The node port -I The node IP address -B Bootstrap Node IP -b Bootstrap Node Port -h Path to Hostkey .pem file. Used to generate custom node id -c Path to config file. The above properties will override the config filename
We wrote test cases for most modules.
for the tests.
Config file
No SectionIon Stoica
- HOSTKEY: Path to pem keyfile
- LOG: Additional logfile path
- PORT: Own port
Section KX
- Port when using a KX Module
Section DHT
- OVERLAY_HOSTNAME: Boostrap node hostname
- PORT: Port for the API
- HOSTNAME: Own IP address
Section Bootrap
- PORT: Bootstrap Node Port
Setup Mininet
As the native virtual machine provided by mininet was terribly slow, we used a XUbuntu installation within a virtual machine (tested with Gnome Boxes on Fedora 21 and Virtual Box on Windows 10).
To install mininet follow the instructions on
You need to install the required python packages as described above in the Setup section.
To test run the python script sudo python
. You may want to call
sudo mn
and enter quit
, if there appear any errors regarding used ports.
Also make sure you provide the right config files. For the 5 default nodes generated by the python script these are located in the mnconfig folder.
You need to provide an absolute path for the HOSTKEY here!
1: Ion Stoica et al., Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications
2: Pamela Zave, How To Make Chord Correct [2]: