gsc copied to clipboard
GSC Build Image Couldn't Create Temporary File
Description of the problem
We have been trying to use gramine and gsc to build our custom graminized image. However, when we use Debian:12 as the base image, it gives me this error. It is the similar error if we use Ubuntu. The build process failed at step 12.
The image works fine if I directly use Docker run on it.
---> Using cache
---> b2e95142dae6
Step 12/29 : RUN apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y binutils libprotobuf-c-dev locales openssl python3 python3-cryptography python3-protobuf python3-pyelftools python3-click python3-jinja2 python3-tomli python3-tomli-w && apt-get autoremove -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
---> Running in 091f3aaa244e
Get:1 bookworm InRelease [151 kB]
Err:1 bookworm InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.CfqgCs for passing config to apt-key
Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]
Err:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.nNjBHj for passing config to apt-key
Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Err:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.0mPqVF for passing config to apt-key
Reading package lists...
W: GPG error: bookworm InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.CfqgCs for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm InRelease' is not signed.
W: GPG error: bookworm-updates InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.nNjBHj for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates InRelease' is not signed.
W: GPG error: bookworm-security InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.0mPqVF for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm-security InRelease' is not signed.
Steps to reproduce
Here is our Dockerfile. We use Debian:12 right before we build the SPIRE-agent.
# syntax = docker/dockerfile:1.6.0@sha256:ac85f380a63b13dfcefa89046420e1781752bab202122f8f50032edf31be0021
# Build stage
ARG goversion
# Use alpine3.18 until go-sqlite works in 3.19
FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} golang:${goversion}-alpine3.18 as base
WORKDIR /spire
RUN apk --no-cache --update add file bash clang lld pkgconfig git make
COPY go.* ./
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/go/pkg/mod go mod download
COPY . .
# xx is a helper for cross-compilation
# when bumping to a new version analyze the new version for security issues
# then use crane to lookup the digest of that version so we are immutable
# crane digest tonistiigi/xx:1.3.0
FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM tonistiigi/xx@sha256:904fe94f236d36d65aeb5a2462f88f2c537b8360475f6342e7599194f291fb7e AS xx
FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} base as builder
COPY --link --from=xx / /
# For users that wish to run SPIRE containers as a non-root user,
# provide a default unprivileged user such that the default paths
# that SPIRE will try to read from, write to, and create at runtime
# can be given the correct file ownership/permissions at build time.
ARG spireuid=1000
ARG spiregid=1000
# Set up directories that SPIRE expects by default
# Set up base directories
RUN install -d -o root -g root -m 777 /spireroot
RUN install -d -o root -g root -m 755 /spireroot/etc/ssl/certs
RUN install -d -o root -g root -m 755 /spireroot/run
RUN install -d -o root -g root -m 755 /spireroot/var/lib
RUN install -d -o root -g root -m 1777 /spireroot/tmp
# Set up directories used by SPIRE
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireroot/etc/spire
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireroot/run/spire
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireroot/var/lib/spire
# Set up spire-server directories
RUN cp -r /spireroot /spireserverroot
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireserverroot/etc/spire/server
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireserverroot/run/spire/server/private
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireserverroot/var/lib/spire/server
# Set up spire-agent directories
RUN cp -r /spireroot /spireagentroot
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireagentroot/etc/spire/agent
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireagentroot/run/spire/agent/public
RUN install -d -o ${spireuid} -g ${spiregid} -m 755 /spireagentroot/var/lib/spire/agent
RUN xx-go --wrap
RUN set -e ; xx-apk --no-cache --update add build-base musl-dev libseccomp-dev
RUN --mount=type=cache,target=/root/.cache/go-build \
--mount=type=cache,target=/go/pkg/mod \
if [ "$TARGETARCH" = "arm64" ]; then CC=aarch64-alpine-linux-musl; elif [ "$TARGETARCH" = "s390x" ]; then CC=s390x-alpine-linux-musl; fi && \
make build-static git_tag=$TAG git_dirty="" && \
for f in $(find bin -executable -type f); do xx-verify --static $f; done
FROM debian:12 AS spire-base
WORKDIR /opt/spire
CMD []
COPY --link --from=builder /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /etc/ssl/certs/
# SPIRE Agent
FROM spire-base AS spire-agent
RUN chmod 1777 /tmp
USER ${spireuid}:${spiregid}
ENTRYPOINT ["/opt/spire/bin/spire-agent", "run"]
COPY --link --from=builder /spireagentroot /
COPY --link --from=builder /spire/bin/static/spire-agent bin/
COPY sgx_agent_plugin bin/
This is my config.yaml for GSC:
# Specify the OS distro that is used to build Gramine, i.e., the distro from where the Gramine build
# gets all tools and dependencies from. This distro should match the distro underlying the
# application's Docker image; otherwise the results may be unpredictable (if you specify `"auto"`,
# which is recommended, you don't need to worry about the mismatch).
# Currently supported distros are:
# - ubuntu:20.04, ubuntu:21.04, ubuntu:22.04, ubuntu:23.04
# - debian:10, debian:11, debian:12
# - centos:8
# - redhat/ubi8:8.8
# - redhat/ubi8-minimal:8.8
# If Distro is set to "auto", GSC detects the distro automatically by examining the supplied
# Docker image. Alternatively, Distro can be set to one of the supported distros mentioned above.
Distro: "auto"
# If the image has a specific registry, define it here.
# Empty by default; example value: "".
Registry: ""
# If you're using your own fork and branch of Gramine, specify the GitHub link and the branch name
# below; typically, you want to keep the default values though.
# It is also possible to specify the prebuilt Gramine Docker image (that was built previously via
# the `gsc build-gramine` command). For this, remove Repository and Branch and instead write:
# Image: "<prebuilt Gramine Docker image>"
# GSC releases are guaranteed to work with corresponding Gramine releases (and GSC `master`
# branch is guaranteed to work with current Gramine `master` branch).
Repository: ""
Branch: "master"
# Specify the Intel SGX driver installed on your machine (more specifically, on the machine where
# the graminized Docker container will run); there are several variants of the SGX driver:
# - upstream (in-kernel) driver: use empty values like below
# Repository: ""
# Branch: ""
# - DCAP out-of-tree driver: same as above, use empty values
# Repository: ""
# Branch: ""
# - legacy out-of-tree driver: use something like the below values, but adjust the branch name
# Repository: ""
# Branch: "sgx_driver_1.9"
Repository: ""
Branch: ""
I do not see anything special about your original Docker image.
Would it be possible to reproduce the same on a clean environment (with all previously built Docker images purged)? And attach the GSC-build command that you used as well as the full GSC build log.
Yes. I tried to remove all of my images and built it, but it gave the same error.
Here is the only command I used:
gsc build --insecure-args vicshi06/test:debian ../graminized/plugin.manifest
Here is the full log:
Building unsigned graminized Docker image `gsc-vicshi06/test:debian-unsigned` from original application image `vicshi06/test:debian`...
Warning: Duplicate key `sgx.debug`. Overriding value from `debian/entrypoint.manifest.template` by the one in `../graminized/plugin.manifest`.
Warning: Duplicate key `loader.env.PATH`. Concatenating values from `<merged ../graminized/plugin.manifest and debian/entrypoint.manifest.template>` and `<vicshi06/test:debian image env>`.
Step 1/29 : FROM debian:12 AS gramine
---> e15dbfac2d2b
Step 2/29 : RUN env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y autoconf bison build-essential coreutils curl gawk git libprotobuf-c-dev linux-headers-generic nasm ninja-build pkg-config protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python3 python3-cryptography python3-protobuf wget meson python3-tomli python3-tomli-w
---> Using cache
---> 0793bd44f91c
Step 3/29 : COPY intel-sgx-deb.key /
---> Using cache
---> 0021a175fff3
Step 4/29 : RUN echo 'deb [arch=amd64] bionic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list && apt-key add /intel-sgx-deb.key
---> Using cache
---> 14e5b9d262cc
Step 5/29 : RUN env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-dev
---> Using cache
---> 2619c6c81725
Step 6/29 : RUN git clone /gramine
---> Using cache
---> faf3c4726b78
Step 7/29 : RUN cd /gramine && git fetch origin master && git checkout master
---> Using cache
---> f47f34852c74
Step 8/29 : RUN mkdir -p /gramine/driver/asm && cd /gramine/driver/asm && wget --timeout=10 -O sgx.h && sha256sum sgx.h | grep -q a34a997ade42b61376b1c5d3d50f839fd28f2253fa047cb9c0e68a1b00477956
---> Using cache
---> daaed81bb6fe
Step 9/29 : RUN cd /gramine && meson setup build/ --prefix="/gramine/meson_build_output" --buildtype=release -Ddirect=enabled -Dsgx=enabled -Dsgx_driver=upstream -Dsgx_driver_include_path=/gramine/driver && ninja -C build && ninja -C build install
---> Using cache
---> bba0e9d779fc
Step 10/29 : FROM vicshi06/test:debian
---> 5a11f11890b8
Step 11/29 : USER root
---> Using cache
---> b2e95142dae6
Step 12/29 : RUN apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y binutils libprotobuf-c-dev locales openssl python3 python3-cryptography python3-protobuf python3-pyelftools python3-click python3-jinja2 python3-tomli python3-tomli-w && apt-get autoremove -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
---> Running in 091f3aaa244e
Get:1 bookworm InRelease [151 kB]
Err:1 bookworm InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.CfqgCs for passing config to apt-key
Get:2 bookworm-updates InRelease [55.4 kB]
Err:2 bookworm-updates InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.nNjBHj for passing config to apt-key
Get:3 bookworm-security InRelease [48.0 kB]
Err:3 bookworm-security InRelease
Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.0mPqVF for passing config to apt-key
Reading package lists...
W: GPG error: bookworm InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.CfqgCs for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm InRelease' is not signed.
W: GPG error: bookworm-updates InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.nNjBHj for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm-updates InRelease' is not signed.
W: GPG error: bookworm-security InRelease: Couldn't create temporary file /tmp/apt.conf.0mPqVF for passing config to apt-key
E: The repository ' bookworm-security InRelease' is not signed.
Failed to build unsigned graminized Docker image `gsc-vicshi06/test:debian-unsigned`.
Here is my plugin.manifest:
log_level = "error"
mounts = [
{ type = "tmpfs", path = "/tmp/" },
debug = true
edmm_enable = false
enclave_size = "4G"
max_threads = 512
remote_attestation = "dcap"
allowed_files = [
trusted_files = []
isvprodid = 0
isvsvn = 0
enable_stats = false
use_exinfo = false
avx = "unspecified"
avx512 = "unspecified"
amx = "unspecified"
mpx = "disabled"
pkru = "disabled"
RUN chmod 1777 /tmp
Do you know why you're doing this in your Docker image build?
@vicshi06 Can you check if PR fixes your issue?
@vicshi06 Can you check, why the image has wrong mode on /tmp
? Because debian:12
looks good to me:
% docker run -it --rm debian:12 ls -ld /tmp
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Jun 12 2023 /tmp
So I assume the problem is somewhere between FROM
and the resulting image.
RUN chmod 1777 /tmp
Do you know why you're doing this in your Docker image build?
@dimakuv I added this after I encountered the bug, but it didn't solve the issue.
@vicshi06 Can you check, why the image has wrong mode on
? Becausedebian:12
looks good to me:% docker run -it --rm debian:12 ls -ld /tmp drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Jun 12 2023 /tmp
So I assume the problem is somewhere between
and the resulting image.
@woju As you can see, I didn't even touch /tmp
in my final image. All I am doing is copying files from builder to my image. I don't understand why this would change mode on /tmp
. In addition, I am using the official Dockerfile from the spire repo, but the only two things I changed are using debian:12
and mounting my own binary.
This is quite a weird bug :(
@vicshi06 Can you check if PR #194 fixes your issue?
@dimakuv It did fix the issue, but now the build failed at step 23 with no helpful error message
Building unsigned graminized Docker image `gsc-vicshi06/test:debian-unsigned` from original application image `vicshi06/test:debian`...
Warning: Duplicate key `sgx.debug`. Overriding value from `debian/entrypoint.manifest.template` by the one in `../graminized/plugin.manifest`.
Warning: Duplicate key `loader.env.PATH`. Concatenating values from `<merged ../graminized/plugin.manifest and debian/entrypoint.manifest.template>` and `<vicshi06/test:debian image env>`.
Step 1/30 : FROM debian:12 AS gramine
---> e15dbfac2d2b
Step 2/30 : RUN env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y autoconf bison build-essential coreutils curl gawk git libprotobuf-c-dev linux-headers-generic nasm ninja-build pkg-config protobuf-c-compiler protobuf-compiler python3 python3-cryptography python3-protobuf wget meson python3-tomli python3-tomli-w
---> Using cache
---> 0793bd44f91c
Step 3/30 : COPY intel-sgx-deb.key /
---> Using cache
---> 0021a175fff3
Step 4/30 : RUN echo 'deb [arch=amd64] bionic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list && apt-key add /intel-sgx-deb.key
---> Using cache
---> 14e5b9d262cc
Step 5/30 : RUN env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-dev
---> Using cache
---> 2619c6c81725
Step 6/30 : RUN git clone /gramine
---> Using cache
---> faf3c4726b78
Step 7/30 : RUN cd /gramine && git fetch origin master && git checkout master
---> Using cache
---> f47f34852c74
Step 8/30 : RUN mkdir -p /gramine/driver/asm && cd /gramine/driver/asm && wget --timeout=10 -O sgx.h && sha256sum sgx.h | grep -q a34a997ade42b61376b1c5d3d50f839fd28f2253fa047cb9c0e68a1b00477956
---> Using cache
---> daaed81bb6fe
Step 9/30 : RUN cd /gramine && meson setup build/ --prefix="/gramine/meson_build_output" --buildtype=release -Ddirect=enabled -Dsgx=enabled -Dsgx_driver=upstream -Dsgx_driver_include_path=/gramine/driver && ninja -C build && ninja -C build install
---> Using cache
---> bba0e9d779fc
Step 10/30 : FROM vicshi06/test:debian
---> 5a11f11890b8
Step 11/30 : USER root
---> Using cache
---> b2e95142dae6
Step 12/30 : RUN chmod 1777 /tmp
---> Using cache
---> 06ab4bdd8edc
Step 13/30 : RUN apt-get update && env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y binutils libprotobuf-c-dev locales openssl python3 python3-cryptography python3-protobuf python3-pyelftools python3-click python3-jinja2 python3-tomli python3-tomli-w && apt-get autoremove -y && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
---> Using cache
---> 314c90963475
Step 14/30 : RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
---> Using cache
---> 0b2a3dea6325
Step 15/30 : ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8
---> Using cache
---> c22e753beada
Step 16/30 : ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8
---> Using cache
---> f419e73ab5ef
Step 17/30 : ENV LANGUAGE en_US.UTF-8
---> Using cache
---> a67c71d131fa
Step 18/30 : RUN mkdir -p /gramine/app_files
---> Using cache
---> a9a50ef74ad0
Step 19/30 : RUN chown : /gramine/app_files/
---> Using cache
---> 77f589fa48e9
Step 20/30 : RUN rm -rf $HOME/.cache
---> Using cache
---> 86e07c52514f
Step 21/30 : USER :
---> Using cache
---> 9954f69dd2a4
Step 22/30 : RUN rm -rf $HOME/.cache
---> Using cache
---> 2875cb2ec6df
Step 23/30 : COPY --from=gramine --chown=: /gramine/meson_build_output /gramine/meson_build_output
Failed to build unsigned graminized Docker image `gsc-vicshi06/test:debian-unsigned`.
It feels like the USER in the original Docker image is empty or corrupted? Why do we see lines like Step 21/30 : USER :
Can you perform docker inspect vicshi06/test:debian
on your original Docker image and show us the output?
docker inspect vicshi06/test:debian
You are right. For some reason my user is ":"
"Id": "sha256:5a11f11890b8dc47e53a01408bd65573206cef787b94d280c1dcf396f56724ef",
"RepoTags": [
"RepoDigests": [
"Parent": "",
"Comment": "buildkit.dockerfile.v0",
"Created": "2024-04-12T23:09:54.203402651Z",
"Container": "",
"ContainerConfig": {
"Hostname": "",
"Domainname": "",
"User": "",
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": false,
"AttachStderr": false,
"Tty": false,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Env": null,
"Cmd": null,
"Image": "",
"Volumes": null,
"WorkingDir": "",
"Entrypoint": null,
"OnBuild": null,
"Labels": null
"DockerVersion": "",
"Author": "",
"Config": {
"Hostname": "",
"Domainname": "",
"User": ":",
"AttachStdin": false,
"AttachStdout": false,
"AttachStderr": false,
"Tty": false,
"OpenStdin": false,
"StdinOnce": false,
"Env": [
"Cmd": null,
"ArgsEscaped": true,
"Image": "",
"Volumes": null,
"WorkingDir": "/opt/spire",
"Entrypoint": [
"OnBuild": null,
"Labels": null
"Architecture": "amd64",
"Os": "linux",
"Size": 194414300,
"VirtualSize": 194414300,
"GraphDriver": {
"Data": {
"LowerDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/96095bc8f734226c75c4ce40508134ca8dd855c3b118a6079f4547baa3588892/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/a2a52730ddb817dbf32bf19865fe003c1b2e8d0e976fc37b91596e88bba39538/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/7aa7c5846dd34bec8298258288e63cdb84637fa0883717f6826f8b046cdb3801/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/31f0c2685a7634560f5d11b3ceda28f6b0264deed38d3d2709cd77e937cba53b/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/4ce3380a8a629623e39710115110cbe943eae63a4d424cb94347eb0e7f31a1d7/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/b1f0a51b85e8b1b378bed5f7bcf1eb4aec4bd3dcf8ffcf7b1fa051168b3bee59/diff",
"MergedDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cf0a1415cf5d3f874a211e91316edee9df9ece595d5357248da8404e54e15854/merged",
"UpperDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cf0a1415cf5d3f874a211e91316edee9df9ece595d5357248da8404e54e15854/diff",
"WorkDir": "/var/lib/docker/overlay2/cf0a1415cf5d3f874a211e91316edee9df9ece595d5357248da8404e54e15854/work"
"Name": "overlay2"
"RootFS": {
"Type": "layers",
"Layers": [
"Metadata": {
"LastTagTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"