guidolib copied to clipboard
guidogetpagemap or guidogetpagecount (core dumped)
guidogetpagemap ./test.gmn
# get page mapping for ./test.gmn
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I meet this error, can not run guidogetpagemap or guidogetpagecount
Please, post the corresponding guido code.
gmn code converted from
using libmusicxml v.3.21
and the embedded xml2guido converter v.3.2
{[ \staff<1> \set<autoHideTiedAccidentals="on"> \barFormat<style= "system", range="1">
(* meas. 1 *) \clef<"g2"> \key<0> \meter<"3/4", autoBarlines="off", autoMeasuresNum="system"> \stemsDown \beamsOff e2/4 \text<"rit.",fattrib="i", dy=19hs>( \stemsDown \beamBegin:1 d2/8)
\stemsDown c2/8 \beamEnd:1 \stemsUp \beamBegin:1 a1/8 \stemsUp b1/8 \beamEnd:1 \bar<measNum=2>
(* meas. 2 *) \tempo<"[1/4] = 60", dy=4hs> \stemsDown \beamsOff c2/4 \stemsDown \beamsOff \tieBegin:1 f2/4 \stemsDown \beamBegin:1 f2/16 \tieEnd:1 \stemsDown e2/16 \stemsDown d2/16 \stemsDown c2/16 \beamEnd:1 ]
Can't reproduce the problem. Could you send more information: guido engine version, your platform, etc.
I do command
guidogetpagecount $guidofile
but get Segmentation fault (core dumped)
version 1.7.4 centos 8
Sorry, I don't have any computer running centos. I guess you're using a fresh build of the project and that it has been properly installed. Can you get more information regarding the seg fault? Do you have a similar problem with the other tools ? (e.g. guido2svg)
Error happen in guidogetpagecount guidogetpagemap guidogetsystemcount guidogetsystemmap
I found that problem is SVGSystem sys; or CairoSystem sys; Error fix with SVGSystem
GUIDO Graphic device is still based on the old cairo system. It might be due to that. Did you fixed it ?
I has fixed for guidogetpagecount.cpp
change CairoSystem
to SVGSystem
#ifndef WIN32
#include <libgen.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include "GSystemWin32.h"
GSystemWin32 gSys(0,0);
#elif __APPLE__
#include "GSystemOSX.h"
GSystemOSX gSys (0,0);
#include "CairoSystem.h"
CairoSystem gSys(0);
#include "GUIDOParse.h"
#include "GUIDOEngine.h"
#include "VGDevice.h"
#include "SVGSystem.h"
using namespace std;
#define kSize 5000
static void error (GuidoErrCode err)
cerr << "error #" << err << ": " << GuidoGetErrorString (err) << endl;
exit (err);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
SVGSystem sys;
VGDevice *dev = sys.CreateDisplayDevice();
GuidoInitDesc gd = { dev, 0, 0, 0 };
GuidoInit (&gd);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++)
const char* file = argv[i];
GuidoErrCode err;
GuidoParser *parser = GuidoOpenParser();
ARHandler arh = GuidoFile2AR (parser, file);
if (arh)
GRHandler grh;
err = GuidoAR2GR (arh, 0, &grh);
if (err != guidoNoErr)
int n = GuidoGetPageCount (grh);
cout << argv[i] << " : " << n << endl;
GuidoFreeGR (grh);
GuidoFreeAR (arh);
else {
int line, col;
err = GuidoParserGetErrorCode (parser, line, col, 0);
error (err);
delete dev;
return 0;