loki copied to clipboard
helm chart should not install Prometheus CRDs
Describe the bug
Prometheus is installed using another chart (or any other method). The prometheus CRDs are provided by this installation method. Installing also the CRD from the loki chart may produce CRD upgrade and downgrade with possible data lost.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Install prometheus-stack and loki charts with ArgoCD
-> There is a diff, between the CRD version in prometheus-stack and in loki.
Expected behavior
No conflict
- Infrastructure: Kubernetes installed with kubespray
- Deployment tool: helm in ArgoCD
Screenshots, Promtail config, or terminal output If applicable, add any output to help explain your problem.
If you use ArgoCD, you can simply skip CRD's installation using skipCrds: true
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: loki
namespace: argocd
app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: argocd
- resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io
project: {{ .Values.project }}
chart: loki
repoURL: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
targetRevision: {{ .Values.loki.version }}
skipCrds: true
@dotdc Thanks for the info, but I still thinks this is a bad practice to include CRDs from other components.
I can move the CRDs to templates (with an if
), if requested.
As I mentioned in the pull requests the CRDs are used by the Grafana Agent Operator that is installed with this Helm Chart. We could couple the. Also, why is the Prometheus chart installing a CRD that's conflicting. E.g. our service monitor soups only target the Loki installation.
The agent-operator
chart has ServiceMonitor CRD too and a few others. Maybe move the prometheusrules.yaml CRD there and remove ServiceMonitor from the loki
chart? This way, all those CRDs won't be installed when the agent is disabled.
Hasn't this been merged as part of https://github.com/grafana/loki/pull/7499
It would be good to have an option to disable prometheus CRD's but for now what I use is:
- group: '*'
- /
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
Also, why is the Prometheus chart installing a CRD that's conflicting. E.g. our service monitor soups only target the Loki installation.
Well, it's the way around. Why Loki(ok, grafana-agent-operator, which is brought as a dependency for self-monitoring) installs Prometheus CRDs, namely:
Those clearly belong to Prometheus(-operator) and should be left to it for management and ownership.
I recall seeing somewhere in the CHANGELOG that G-A-O is shipped with the Prometheus library now and it actually can handle those resources by itself, but most of the people do use kube-prometheus-stack
in their setups and introducing it's half-way replacement creates a lot of headache.
It would be great if grafana-agent-operator could have this part of functionality switchable and be enabled only if there is no local Prometheus installed.
Or at least update prometheus-crd to the latest versions to avoid conflicts
PR: https://github.com/grafana/loki/pull/9041
any updates?
Hasn't this been merged as part of #7499
That PR removed prometheus CRDs from the loki chart itself. However, when the monitoring feature is active, the Loki chart deploys the grafana-agent-operator as a dependency. This operator chart includes Prometheus CRDs. Probably this issue needs to be moved to https://github.com/grafana/helm-charts or to https://github.com/grafana/agent
+1 to this thread, another scenario can be to specify which group of crds we can exclude from deploying:
enabled: true
enabled: true
and skip the installation of Prometheus crds with disable option. inspired by kube-prometheus-stack but haven't tested yet.
For now, I will handle crds in a separate folder with "helm skip crd" option, but it will be good to have something similar to what was proposed.
+1 to this. The above would be amazing.
+1 from me too, please take a look at the PR. It's a pain to skip the installation of CRDs in Argo and then manage installation and upgrades manually.
This just completely broke my dev cluster. +1 Loki should not install CRDs of other projects
Plus 1️⃣ for this issue !