url | string / HTTP URL | Request URL (e.g. |
body | string / object / ArrayBuffer | Request body; objects will be x-www-form-urlencoded. |
params (optional) | object | Params object containing additional request parameters |
k6 copied to clipboard
Header modification by k6/go: ++ Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Brief summary
K6 (or go http client) chunks some SignalR POST calls (with empty payload) over SSL only
- signalr/connect?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=2.1&....
- signalr/abort?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=2.1&....
k6 version
win 10
Docker version and image (if applicable)
No response
Steps to reproduce the problem
Not sure... Here is the sample request structure:
response =`https://${__ENV.TARGET_HOST}/...../signalr/connect?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=2.1&connectionToken=......&connectionData=.....`,
"Connection": `keep-alive`,
"Content-Length": `0`,
"Pragma": `no-cache`,
"Cache-Control": `no-cache`,
"sec-ch-ua": `"Chromium";v="97", " Not;A Brand";v="99"`,
"Accept": `text/plain, */*; q=0.01`,
"Content-Type": `application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8`,
"X-Requested-With": `XMLHttpRequest`,
"sec-ch-ua-mobile": `?0`,
"User-Agent": `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36`,
"sec-ch-ua-platform": `"Windows"`,
"Origin": `https://${__ENV.TARGET_HOST}`,
"Sec-Fetch-Site": `same-origin`,
"Sec-Fetch-Mode": `cors`,
"Sec-Fetch-Dest": `empty`,
"Referer": `https://${__ENV.TARGET_HOST}/........aspx`,
"Accept-Encoding": `gzip, deflate, br`,
"Accept-Language": `en-US,en;q=0.9`,
timeout: "130s",
tags: {
threadID: `${}`,
Expected behaviour
- request headers contain Content-Length: 0
- request headers do not contain Transfer-Encoding: chunked
- response status 200
Works as expected on a non-SSL endpoint and on SSL endpoint via Fiddler
Actual behaviour
- request header is added: Transfer-Encoding: chunked
- request header is removed Content-Length: 0
- response code 501
Occurs for a couple of SignalR POST calls over SSL only
- signalr/connect?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=2.1&....
- signalr/abort?transport=longPolling&clientProtocol=2.1&....
Works fine when called over HTTP, however when switching to SSL (over reverse proxy), K6 (GO http client?) changes the headers, even when:
- payload is "" (nothing to chunk)
- Content-Length: 0 is set
- Transfer-Encoding: deflate (an explicitly set a value)
When passing requests through Fiddler, everything comes out as it should (Content-Length: 0 and no Transfer-Encoding). Interestingly, the app server actually receives "Transfer-Encoding: chunked , chunked " when Transfer-Encoding: chunked is sent (reverse proxy mishandles improper chunking)
Thanks for reporting this @kkriegkxs,
This seems to be go stdlib thing. As ""
is still something (it isn't nil
) k6 makes a zero length body and sets Content-Length to 0
the latter of which stdlib take to mean that it should do chunk encode.
To fix it you can just put null
instead of ""
at which point no body will be given to the stdlib and it won't "chunked" encode.
But it might be a good idea if we do the same for an empty string as well :thinking:.
This is reproducible with:
import http from "k6/http";
export default () => {"", "");
The headers don't make any difference
:thinking: If you run this script with both null
and ""
for the request body:
import http from "k6/http";
export let options = {
httpDebug: 'full'
export default () => {
let resp ="", '');
It seems that:
- a
Content-Length: 0
header will be added when the body isnull
- a
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
header will be added when the body is""
(an empty string), but, crucially, nocontent-length
header will be added :confused: (which is contrary to the claim above that "k6 makes a zero length body and sets Content-Length to 0")
Both of these behaviors seem weird and unexpected to me... :confused: If they were exactly reversed, I'd have probably been fine in keeping them as they are and just documenting them. It makes some sense for k6 to emit Contet-Lenght: 0
when you pass it an explicitly empty string for a body, right? But that is not the case, so the current behavior does indeed seem like a bug... :disappointed: However, given the many issues and corner cases when it comes to handling request bodies in the current k6 HTTP API (,,, etc.), and the fact that fixing this might be considered as a minor breaking change, I am not sure if we shouldn't wait until the new HTTP API ( to properly fix this? :thinking:
which is contrary to the claim above
we do set it it just isn't sent, probably because of the chunked
If Body is present, Content-Length is <= 0 and TransferEncoding hasn't been set to "identity", Write adds "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" to the header. Body is closed after it is sent.
Maybe we should explicitly specify Transfer-Encoding: identity
if compression isn't enabled? :thinking: Though, given that Transfer-Encoding: chunked
isn't a thing in HTTP/2, I wonder how big of a problem this is... :thinking:
@kkriegkxs, how did you notice this issue? Were there any side-effects from Transfer-Encoding: chunked
in your case, or did you just notice an extra header while inspecting the traffic?
@na-- & @MStoykov: Transfer-Encoding: identity did exactly nothing, however nulling the body fixed it (regretfully it did not occur to me to try it before...). I saw the setting of the length header but as @MStoykov said, it is not sent due to chunked. IMO philosophically speaking in this context empty=null with length 0 header and should be wrapped as such in POST(), so if anything the issue is that length header not controlling the chunking - so the easiest fix is to outline this behavior in the documentation.
post( url, [body], [params] )
@na--: no, there was a problem in SignalR (longpoll) resulting in code 501s. It took me a while (and to figure out what was happening. So I guess it is probably a more common issue than one might think (though I don't know how k6 recorder renders JS is such case).
Also between the load-balancer and the reverse proxy, Transfer-Encoding: chunked
sent by the script somehow changed to Transfer-Encoding: chunked, chunked
as received by IIS. This along with correct behavior through Fiddler makes me think k6 is probably in the wrong here.
Oh, btw, per Mozilla: Transfer-Encoding: chunked | compress | deflate | gzip but Accept-Encoding: gzip | compress | deflate | br | identity | * Tried it anyway in case it's an undocumented spec :) To sum up the long-winded previous reply: IMO body = null is an acceptable solution as long as it's documented but personally I would equate "" body to null if length = 0 (i.e. explicit manual mode should not auto-handle anything)