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Proposal: Helm - Allow loading all alloy files in Alloy configuration directory
Actual Helm chart is designed to load a single .alloy file (entrypoint) from a generated or provided configMap, that could in turn import other files via module paradigm (coming from a different configmap, or any other mount volumes).
This behaviour, even with modules, makes overrides or unloading components in some clusters difficult when using a common configuration.
Helm chart should implement this Alloy cli feature:
By loading all .alloy files in a folder, files mounted from provided configMap or other mean can then be overridden or removed by k8s operators in some environments/clusters in order to achieve greater modularity (terraform like folder loading).
This proposal is backward compatible as it is opt-in and disabled by default.
Usage example
When using Pyroscope / Loki / Tempo / etc. and pushing data to a central observability cluster, one may (should) need we basic auth on the ingress in front of distributors.
However, on some cluster (maybe the observability cluster itself), it makes little sense to send data through https over the public ingress domain. It is probably better to use in-cluster routing, talking directly to distributor or gateway (not the ingress).
The actual issue
Today it is not possible to if-else blocks in components (such as basic-auth in endpoint of pyroscope.write)
So for almost all clusters pyroscope-push.alloy is:
pyroscope.write "grafana" {
external_labels = {
cluster = env("CLUSTER"),
endpoint {
url = env("PYRO_ENDPOINT_URL")
basic_auth {
username = "pyroscope"
password = env("PYRO_API_KEY")
But for the other clusters I want to push via internal service, not over ingress, hence without auth, we need to have something like
pyroscope.write "grafana" {
external_labels = {
cluster = env("CLUSTER"),
endpoint {
url = env("PYRO_ENDPOINT_URL")
So in these specific environments, we just have to override the pyroscope-push.alloy file, and everything will work nicely.
Detailed example of needed use case:
Common (all clusters) Helm chart values and configMap generation
Common Helm values (for most of clusters) - Jsonnet/Flux code
local fluxcd = import 'fluxcd.libsonnet';
local helmRelease = fluxcd.helmRelease;
local helmRepository = fluxcd.helmRepository;
local k = import 'k.libsonnet';
local configMap = k.core.v1.configMap;
local envVar = k.core.v1.envVar;
local name = 'grafana-alloy';
local namespace = 'grafana-alloy';
_config:: {
version: '<0.4',
cluster: error 'cluster required',
pyro_url: 'https://sth/',
values: {
alloy: {
stabilityLevel: 'public-preview',
configMap+: {
create: false, // we provide our own CM outside of chart (classic pattern)
name: $, // reference the provided CM name
key: 'config.river', // This key would be unused in this proposal as we load all files in directory
mounts: {
varlog: true,
dockercontainers: true,
securityContext: {
privileged: true,
runAsNonRoot: false,
extraEnv: ['CLUSTER', $._config.cluster),'PYRO_ENDPOINT_URL', $._config.pyro_url),
envFrom: [
secretRef: {
name: name, // Pyro / Loki / Tempo / etc. ingress authentication
controller: {
hostPID: true, // needed for java profiling
service: {
internalTrafficPolicy: 'Local', // route to local DS pod
// We provide our own configmap with multiples files
// Files will be automatically mounted in /etc/alloy by the chart
configMap: +
configMap.metadata.withNamespace(namespace) +
'config.alloy': importstr './config/config.alloy',
'pyroscope.alloy': importstr './config/pyroscope.alloy',
// We separate the push/write elements in another file
// so we can override this in another cluster (override configMap data key)
'pyroscope-push.alloy': importstr './config/pyroscope-push.alloy',
helmRepository: +
helmRepository.metadata.withNamespace(namespace) +
helmRepository.spec.withInterval('1h') +
helmRelease: +
helmRelease.metadata.withNamespace(namespace) +
helmRelease.spec.chart.spec.withChart('alloy') +
helmRelease.spec.chart.spec.withVersion($._config.version) +
helmRelease.spec.chart.spec.sourceRef.withKind('HelmRepository') +
helmRelease.spec.chart.spec.sourceRef.withName($ +
helmRelease.spec.chart.spec.sourceRef.withNamespace($.helmRepository.metadata.namespace) +
helmRelease.spec.withValues($._config.values) +
// WARNING: following is our actual fix implementation
// This should be unneeded if proposal is Accepted
// Override command line argument of alloy container to target a directory instead of a single file
target: {
version: 'v1',
kind: 'DaemonSet',
name: 'grafana-alloy',
// This is the actual magic
patch: |||
- op: replace
path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/1
value: /etc/alloy
Specific cluster
// import the common Helm chart
local agent = import 'grafana-agent/main.libsonnet';
local k = import 'k.libsonnet';
local configMap = k.core.v1.configMap;
agent: agent {
_config+:: {
pyro_url: 'http://pyroscope-querier.pyroscope.svc:4040'
// we override this file to use in-cluster endpoint
'pyroscope-push.river': importstr './config/pyroscope-push.river',
Helm Chart code proposal
Basically, we could add a boolean flag changing the path passed to alloy run command
Container template
- run
{{- if .Values.alloy.loadFolder }}
- /etc/alloy/
{{- else }}
- /etc/alloy/{{ include "alloy.config-map.key" . }}
{{- end }}
# -- If true, agent will load all files in /etc/alloy.
# alloy.configMap.key will be ignored
loadFolder: false
# -- Create a new ConfigMap for the config file.
create: true
# -- Name of existing ConfigMap to use. Used when create is false.
name: null
# -- Key in ConfigMap to get config from.
# Ignored if loadFolder is true.
key: null