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The TechInsite Object Persistence Framework - tiOPF

Welcome to the tiOPF project

tiOPF is a Object Persistent Framework written in Object Pascal, for use with Delphi and Free Pascal (FPC) compilers. tiOPF simplifies the mapping of an object oriented business model into a relational database. Persistence layers are available for Firebird, Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, NexusDB, XML, CSV, TAB, Remote (via HTTP) and many more. It also allows you to use your choice of database connection components, like IBX, dbExpress, DOA, SqlDB, FBLib etc. When using FPC you can also target 32-bit or 64-bit platforms.

We pride ourselves on the stability of the framework, and it is backed by 1600+ unit tests that run multiple times per day, on our various build servers. tiOPF is currently tested on Windows, Linux and FreeBSD.

We also give you the freedom to choose how you want to build your graphical desktop applications. tiOPF has custom components for VCL and LCL. It also has a Model-GUI-Mediator (MGM — something like Model-View-Controller) implementation that allows standard GUI components to become “object aware” without creating yet more custom components. With MGM we support the VCL, LCL and fpGUI toolkits.

Where is the source code?

Recently the tiOPF repository was converted from SubVersion to Git. The old SubVersion repository contained everything plus the kitchen sink — all in one massive repository. A bit of a mess really. While doing the conversion to Git, we took the opportunity to restructure the repository a bit better by using branches and sub-repositories (smaller more specific repositories, like the one now holding our website source).

For tiOPF2 code, simply switch to the 'tiopf2' branch:

git checkout tiopf2

If you want the tiOPF3 code, then switch to the 'tiopf3' branch:

git checkout tiopf3

Is tiOPF2 and tiOPF3 both still maintained?

Yes. If you use Free Pascal or Delphi 7–2007, then you must use tiOPF2. If you use Delphi 2009 or newer, then you must use tiOPF3.

Why does FPC not work in tiOPF3?

tiOPF3 was primarily started to clean up some code, and take advantage of newer language features and Unicode string support. As soon as these language features have stabilised in FPC, then we will add FPC support to tiOPF3 as well.

No worries though, tiOPF2 and tiOPF3 are near identical in features. Any new changes since recent weeks are synced between both versions. I am also working though the commit history to merge any other fixes or improvements that has been committed in either branch. This will be a ongoing process until FPC supports tiOPF3.
