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How to decrypt a GZIP response?
Hey! Thanks for the great proxy server. The question arose as to the best way to do the decryption GZIP response? Thanks!
You could use native nodejs to do this, but I think I will extend the data buffers with some special method to easier parse headers & body!! This will maybe be a next feature :)
If you need this already now... then look here:
It'd be really nice to have this covered by the proxy itself as noone can inspect encoded responses without decoding them :)
For anyone bumping into this issue, sharing a bit of code I used.
It assumes http response was stored in a object and headers split from body, so this.responseBody
only refers to:
This handles chunked transfer-encoding (merging all chunks) and then decodes
private mergeBodyChunks(): Buffer {
// merge all chunks in single response body
// it should be done in a "streamy" way but we already have the full response in memory
let modifiedBody = this.responseBody;
if (
this.getResponseHeaderValue("transfer-encoding") !== undefined &&
this.getResponseHeaderValue("transfer-encoding").toLowerCase() == "chunked"
) {
const chunkSeparator = Buffer.from(
this.responseBody.indexOf("\r\n") >>> 0 < this.responseBody.indexOf("\n") >>> 0 ? "\r\n" : "\n"
const chunks: Buffer[] = [];
const final = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from("0"), chunkSeparator]);
while (modifiedBody.indexOf(final) > 0) {
const split = modifiedBody.indexOf(chunkSeparator);
if (split < 0) throw new HttpRequestResponseParsingError("chunk separator not found");
const chunkLengthStr = modifiedBody.subarray(0, split).toString();
const chunkLength = parseInt(chunkLengthStr, 16);
if (isNaN(chunkLength)) throw new HttpRequestResponseParsingError(`invalid chunk length: ${chunkLengthStr}`);
const chunk = modifiedBody.subarray(split + chunkSeparator.length, split + chunkSeparator.length + chunkLength);
if (chunk.length != chunkLength)
throw new HttpRequestResponseParsingError(
`invalid chunk: read ${chunk.length} bytes but expected ${chunkLength}`
modifiedBody = modifiedBody.subarray(split + chunkSeparator.length + chunkLength + chunkSeparator.length);
// if terminating chunk is missing, something went wrong
if (modifiedBody.indexOf(final) < 0)
throw new HttpRequestResponseParsingError("missing 0-sized chunk (terminator): " + this.responseBody.toString("base64"));
modifiedBody = Buffer.concat(chunks);
return modifiedBody;
private decodeBody() {
Available compressions: gzip, deflate, compress, br
They can be chained **in the order in which they were applied**
Content-Encoding: deflate, gzip
const encodingHeader = this.getResponseHeaderValue("content-encoding");
if (encodingHeader == undefined) return;
let decodedData: Buffer;
try {
decodedData = this.mergeBodyChunks();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof HttpRequestResponseParsingError) {
logger.error(`failed to merge chunked response: ${e}`);
} else {
throw e;
// code based on axios
// but supporting multiple encodings
let decoder: (buf: zlib.InputType) => Buffer;
const decoded = encodingHeader
.every((encoding) => {
decoder = undefined;
encoding = encoding.trim();
switch (encoding) {
case "gzip":
case "compress":
case "deflate":
decoder = zlib.unzipSync;
case "br":
decoder = zlib.brotliDecompressSync;
if (decoder == undefined) {
logger.error(`no decoder for "${encoding}"`);
return false;
try {
decodedData = decoder(decodedData);
} catch (e) {
logger.error(`failed to decode "${encoding}" - ${e}`);
return false;
return true;
if (decoded) {
this.responseBody = decodedData;
this.responseBodyDecoded = decoded;
Hope it's useful for others
Try with the version @1.11.7
const server = new ProxyServer({
verbose: true,
intercept: true,
injectResponse: (data, session) => {
if (session.response.complete //if response is finished
&& session.response.headers['content-encoding'] === 'gzip') { //body is gzip
const zlib = require('zlib');
zlib.gunzip(session.rawResponse, function (err, decoded) {
console.log('decoded response', decoded?.toString())
return data;