docker-nginx-openai-api-cache icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-nginx-openai-api-cache copied to clipboard

A nginx and docker built reverse proxy server to cache the slow expensive requests to the openai api.

Docker Nginx OpenAI API Cache Reverse proxy

This project is a simple Docker Nginx project that serves as a cache for the OpenAI API.

nginx here is preconfigured to work on OpenAI API.


  • Works with any client that allows you to configure the server address (as it acts as a reverse proxy)
  • Caches the response of the support endpoints. The key of cache is built from the request uri and body
  • Returns an "X-Cache-Status" header indicating whether the response was served from cache or not

Supported endpoints:

  • POST /v1/chat/completions
  • POST /v1/completions
  • POST /v1/edits
  • POST /v1/embeddings
  • POST /v1/moderations
  • POST /v1/answers

endpoints deprecated by OpenAI :

  • POST /v1/engines/*/chat/completions
  • POST /v1/engines/*/completions
  • POST /v1/engines/*/edits
  • POST /v1/engines/*/embeddings
  • POST /v1/engines/*/moderations
  • POST /v1/engines/*/answers

Getting Started


  • Docker
  • Docker compose


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd docker-nginx-openai-api-cache
  1. Start the container:
docker-compose up -d
  1. Test the server

Set your credentials:


Run this 2 times or more:

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" http://localhost:81/v1/chat/completions \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
  -d '{
  "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo",
  "messages": [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "Hello there !"
  "temperature": 0,
  "max_tokens": 228,
  "top_p": 1,
  "frequency_penalty": 0,
  "presence_penalty": 0
  1. Check the logs
docker-compose logs

The last lines should show something like this

openai-cache-proxy  | - - [29/Feb/2024:19:59:49 +0000] "POST /v1/chat/completions HTTP/1.1" 200 494 "-" "curl/7.80.0" Cache: MISS
openai-cache-proxy  | - - [29/Feb/2024:19:59:52 +0000] "POST /v1/chat/completions HTTP/1.1" 200 494 "-" "curl/7.80.0" Cache: HIT
  1. Stop the container:
docker-compose down


Set your client's API server address to http://localhost:81/v1 Once the containers are running, you can use the OpenAI API through the cache by sending requests to the supported URIs.

URIs that are supported will be forwarded, unless they are cached. URIs that are not supported will be forwarded normally.


The cache is configured using the nginx.conf. You can modify this file to change the cache settings or add additional URIs.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for improvements.