Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

I'm working on a complete reimplementation of `\mintinline` that will support all features from `fvextra`'s `\Verb`, including line breaking. An initial version is now on GitHub. You can download the...

Thanks for the feedback! 1. Yes, some of the code could be improved. With `_run()`, part of the issue is that I've rewritten it a half-dozen times or so at...

For 1 and 2: I agree that some of the code could be organized better, but I am hesitant to do any refactoring simply on that basis. I prefer to...

Codebraid is currently written as a command-line application. At the moment, I would recommend using it via ``. If you want to avoid creating/reading temp files, you could use `subprocess.PIPE`...

That's a good suggestion. I'll add that in the next version.

The latest release adds exit codes. Based on the exit code, it is possible to determine whether there were errors or warnings, and whether they were primarily related to the...

It looks like pandoc-fignos needs images with (1) alt text and (2) an id starting with "fig:". I'm planning to add support for setting image attributes for rich output like...

I haven't had any new thoughts. I think I'm going to try `fig.caption` when there is one figure, `fig.caption1` and `fig.caption2` and so on for multiple figures, and then `fig.caption`...

Unfortunately I can't give any specific estimates on new features. I am currently trying to release new versions of all my major open-source projects to catch up for the last...

There isn't a built-in way to do this, but there are several ways it could be done. The fastest way to get something working would be to extract the code...