Results 245 comments of Geoffrey Poore

It would be good to have a `longlisting` environment. The `minted` documentation FAQ actually links to the same StackExchange discussion with the one-line solution. The main reason there isn't a...

@dragonxtek There is currently not support for any of those question types. I'm planning to add a few more question types over the next few weeks, especially multiple answer, but...

@substance9 Thanks for working on those question types! I'd be happy to help refine this and accept a pull request. I've created a new issue to focus on this: #17....

@WeeBeasties Currently, text2qti only supports QTI version 1.2, and I don't believe that can do ordering questions. If support for QTI version 2.2 is added at some point, then a...

Are you running MiKTeX with `-quiet` or a similar option? If that's the case, then I can see how modifying things to hide the output could be helpful...TeX Live doesn't...

PythonTeX is not currently compatible with TikZ externalization. It may be possible to add support for that at some point in the future, so I will leave this issue open...

Have you tried copying an example out of the README and pasting that into a .txt file? There's an existing request for separate example files in #1, and I'll try...

In the quiz, all the lines after the first line with "Quiz title" are indented by two spaces. Once I removed that, everything worked for me. Titles, questions, answers, etc....

Short answer: This is a tokenization issue due to the wrapping `\textbf`, as @muzimuzhi pointed out. The examples shown are not using syntax highlighting, so if that is indeed not...

That all sounds good! I've looked through all the code, and here are some comments. ## General comments I like the idea of one `matplotlibrc.conf` per document type, with a...