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Error setting manual focus drive to Canon Powershot
Describe the bug I'm trying to set the manual focus drive for my camera (Canon Powershot 740HS), but it seems not working. I've tried to set it using gphoto from terminal and this library with Python, but nothing changed. Could it be the definition of this functionality in gphoto for my specific camera?
Name the camera
Canon PowerShot SX740 HS usb:001,004
libgphoto2 and gphoto2 version
gphoto2 gcc, popt(m), exif, no cdk, no aa, no jpeg, no readline
libgphoto2 2.5.22 all camlibs, gcc, ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.12.0 iolibs: disk ptpip serial usb1 usbdiskdirect usbscsi, gcc, ltdl, USB, serial without locking
To Reproduce I've tried in different ways to set it:
- using terminal
gphoto2 --set-config-value=/main/actions/autofocusdrive=1 # or other higher numbers
I've tried also to use string, sogphoto2 --set-config-value=/main/actions/autofocusdrive="1"
but nothing changedgphoto2 --set-config-value=/main/actions/autofocusdrive=0
seems "working" with no errors but it doesn't change the settings.
The result is:
Failed to set new configuration value 1 for configuration entry /main/actions/autofocusdrive.
*** Error (-1: 'Unspecified error') ***
- using Python, here the snippet:
camera = gp.Camera()
camera_config = camera.get_config()
OK, config_widget = gp.gp_widget_get_child_by_name(camera_config,"manualfocusdrive")
# set value
# set config
#gp.gp_camera_set_config(camera, camera_config)
print("setting focus...")
The result is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "src/camera/scripts/tests/", line 47, in <module>
File "src/camera/scripts/tests/", line 30, in main
gphoto2.GPhoto2Error: [-1] Unspecified error
I report also the part of gphoto2 --list-all-config
which can help to find the cause:
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Autofocus
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Label: Drive Canon DSLR Manual focus
Readonly: 0
Current: None
Choice: 0 Near 1
Choice: 1 Near 2
Choice: 2 Near 3
Choice: 3 None
Choice: 4 Far 1
Choice: 5 Far 2
Choice: 6 Far 3
Label: Cancel Canon DSLR Autofocus
Readonly: 0
Current: 0
Could it be the type RADIO? Thank you in advance!
note: autofocusdrive is an action ... it is executed once when set to 1.
manualfocusdrive only works in liveview mode. "1" is not a valid value, you need to use one of the choices ... "Near 1" ... "Far 3"
Your libgphoto2 is old. Probably too old.
Thank you for the feedback @msmeissn Sorry, but I didn't get the point, what do you suggest to do? :) Do you need additional information by my side?
@msmeissn Maybe I got it now.
You're saying that I should set gphoto2 --set-config=/main/actions/manualfocusdrive="Far 3"
for example.
This command is fine for the camera, but it seems to have no effects.
However, after this command I can't capture images anymore and I have this message after a simple gphoto2 --capture-image
Canon EOS M Full-Press failed (0x2019: PTP Device Busy)
ERROR: Could not capture image.
ERROR: Could not capture.
*** Error (-110: 'I/O in progress') ***
Do you think there is a solution for my case? Thank you in advance!