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Sigma FP support
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*Name of the camera
Sigma FP (Full Frame format system camera)
Received via user request e-mail.
Need research if possible at all.
Any new development on the Sigma fp camera? list-config shows only half a dozen entries such as manufacture, serial number, ... but none of the configurations (f-number, iso, ...). Capture and Trigger show command not supported. Attached are the log for list-config, capture, and trigger. If I want to add the support myself, any pointer on where to start (ptp.c, ptp-pack.c, ...)?
well, mostly some documentation on the vendor ptp opcodes.
if you have those, i can work on it.
i also tried mailing support@sigma... for doc this time, so far no reply, not even auto.
Same here. Still waiting for a reply from them.
I rented one over the weekend and try to get some things in
- liveview works
- simple capture works barely, picture is returned, but from earlier captures ... need to work on this more
Thank you so much for the effort.
so, camera returned ...
- capture is not very reliable, but working.
- liveview seems reliable.
configuration is not implemented, thiis will be a bit longer effort
Please email me if I can help in anyway such as paying for the camera rental, etc.
What is the current status of the Sigma fp support? Do you know if Sigma fp use normal PTP standard ISO15740?
The sigma fp uses PTP, but with lots of vendor opcodes.
i have added "* Sigma Fp: added basic beta support for capture, live view and config." in 2.5.28.
fwiw not much changes since my last updates, since i did not rent it again yet. (currently also have no time to do much work :( )
fwiw not much changes since my last updates, since i did not rent it again yet. (currently also have no time to do much work :( )
Perhaps because of the firmware upgrade, the most basic functions are now useless for sigma fp @msmeissn
Came here to join in frustration. I want to use Darktable tethered which uses a gphoto2 dependency. I can't get any of the camera settings to apply for shutter speed, aperture, or iso. I can just trigger a photo. any advice on how to fix this? I'd rather use Darktable than Capture one.
I have the FP L
the frustration is the camera vendor lack of support. You gave them money after all.
the frustration is the camera vendor lack of support. You gave them money after all.
What is it that we need from them? Because they provide a sample sdk application. I want to help push this forward.
if you read the history of the issue, Marcus doesn't have the camera. He has to spend money to rent it to do Sigma's work, and that's not even a guarantee that things can be resolved. "sample sdk application" likely require sigma proprietary code that doesn't run on Linux and that may not even be useful.
Hi, I just came across this thread as I’ve been looking for someone to develop an iOS or android app that will connect to a sigma FP via USB C. I am happy to fund such a project. I have seen the SDK with its sample MacOS program, but there is no sample code. I wonder if there is any other way to develop an android or iPhone app for the sigma FP. Thanks John.
I could also create a development set up with the Sigma FP connected to my Mac via USB and access via anydesk if someone wanted to use my computer. But only if that can RESULT in an android or iOS app.
the frustration is the camera vendor lack of support. You gave them money after all.
What is it that we need from them? Because they provide a sample sdk application. I want to help push this forward.
I would also like to push the possibility of an iOS or Android app that will Connect to the camera via USB-C. Am willing to fund such a project.