gphoto2 copied to clipboard
Nikon 1 J1 - Not able to capture image
Describe the bug
I am not able to capture Photos with the Nikon 1 J1. I attached the log below: degub.log
Hope somebody can help. Thank you!
Name the camera If this is camera specific, include the camera name as shown by gphoto2 --auto-detect or USB IDs
Modell Port
Nikon J1 usb:006,008
libgphoto2 and gphoto2 version output of: gphoto2 --version
Copyright (C) 2000-2021 Marcus Meißner und andere
gphoto2 comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may
redistribute copies of gphoto2 under the terms of the GNU General Public
License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING.
Diese Version von gphoto2 benutzt die folgenden Softwareversionen und Optionen:
gphoto2 gcc, popt(m), exif, no cdk, no aa, no jpeg, no readline
libgphoto2 standard camlibs (SKIPPING docupen lumix), gcc, no ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.12.2 iolibs: disk ptpip serial usb1 usbdiskdirect usbscsi, gcc, no ltdl, EXIF, USB, serial without locking
To Reproduce degub.log