I see something similar with a newly provisioned ovirt 4.3 cluster. Lots of : ```` [2019-01-15 10:07:53.646643] E [MSGID: 101191] [event-epoll.c:671:event_dispatch_epoll_worker] 0-epoll: Failed to dispatch handler ````
oVirt is using Gluster 5.2 on redhat 7.6 but you are right, that is not GD2. This bug report was one of the only result when googling the "0-epoll: Failed...
@Sjolus 's patch solves my problem, Without it, Time fields were losing time zone information and mis-converted to GMT
@briankwest > This isn't a bug, its behaving as designed, see my comment on the PR, I need more details on what you want to accomplish. It seems that we're...
Any news on Centos 8 Builds?
Answering to myself for future reference :
@all @briankwest As I said before, we are experiencing the same regression mentioned here since freeswitch 1.10.7. I would like to explain our use case: In our call center we...
Could anyone from SignalWire have a look? @briankwest has requested to detail use cases. I provided my company's use of this functionality above, as did @GangZhuo [here](, and @eighty-zou in...
Could anyone look at this issue again? As requested, uses cases have been reported by three different people but we haven't heard back from Signal Wire since. It's unclear as...
@space88man Nice job for providing builds of 1.10.8 for el8 and el9. I tried using your .spec to build on a centos 8 Stream but could not manage to make...