BlockAlertsAnd-ActionSheets copied to clipboard
Not seeing the BlockAlertView on the iPad simulator
I've been trying to resolve this issue with the BlockAlertView component, which doesn't display any text or render a background when invoked. All that is seen are two sets of three dots in the middle of the screen.
My investigations have revealed that in the "show" method, the background image is being set by using the format "alert-
Any pointers in the right direction will surely be helpful.
Thanks Ashley
Is this related to the UIBarPositioningDelegate in IOS7? I've had to update several apps because of this.
I had to make the view controller handle UIBarPositioningDelegate
And add something like the following..
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id <UIBarPositioning>)bar { // update any view here. return UIBarPositionTopAttached; }
I don't think so.
All I'm doing is this: BlockAlertView blockAlert = [BlockAlertView alertWithTitle:@"Wait" message:@"Please consider carefully, are you 100% sure you would like to update the host URL?"]; [blockAlert addButtonWithTitle:@"Ok" block:^{ NSString *urlRegEx =@"(http|https)://((\w)|([0-9])|([-|])_)+(.|/)+"; NSPredicate *urlTest = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF MATCHES %@", urlRegEx]; if ([urlTest evaluateWithObject:txt_hostUrl.text]) { [[[SharedVars sharedInstance] settings] setHostURL:txt_hostUrl.text]; lbl_hostUrl.text = [[[SharedVars sharedInstance] settings] hostURL]; [[SharedVars sharedInstance] saveMR_context]; [SVProgressHUD showWithStatus:@"Please wait...." maskType:SVProgressHUDMaskTypeBlack]; [ self performSelector:@selector(updateHostLabel) withObject:nil afterDelay:1]; // [self updateHostLabel]; } else{ [AJNotificationView showNoticeInView:self.view type:AJNotificationTypeGreen title:@"BAD URL" linedBackground:AJLinedBackgroundTypeAnimated hideAfter:2.5f]; } }]; [blockAlert setCancelButtonWithTitle:@"Cancel" block:^{}]; [blockAlert show];
@lpmacdevelopers I'm experiencing this exact same issue at the moment and I'm not running iOS 7 in the simulator. Have you figured out how to resolve the problem?
@lpmacdevelopers You gave me a good pointer when you started referring images having a nil value. I have just fixed the problem for myself, have you added both of the following folders to your own project as per the following folder paths?
- BlockAlertsDemo > Images > ActionSheet
- BlockAlertsDemo > Images > AlertView
Make sure that "Copy Items to destination folder (If needed) is checked" as well as "Create groups for any added folders".
The folder "To add to your projects" is deceiving as the images are also required.