Graham Palmer
Graham Palmer
By the way, I've got Iceperf building and running in my [branch]( It looks like average RTT latency went from 4.2 to 5.9. I'll try now with the FixedPositionContainer.
WIth the FixedPositionContainer I get back down to 5.5. I suspect most of the added latency is therefore from the friction I've added through the upper API layers passing around...
> Have you thought about using the FixedPositionContainer? Question about this actually - does the container still satisfy this constraint? > In order to always be able to access the...
It's too bad because the iteration properties of the FixedPositionContainer would make it a suitable choice for backwards compatibility - allowing the existing untyped API to continue releasing with the...
> I need to look closer at the FixedPositionContainer but why do you think it is not suitable? Because of this invariant the UsedChunkList needs to uphold: > In order...
> Btw, those benchmark numbers are quite high. Did you test in release mode? I don't know. I'm not sure it matters too much for comparison sake, though I could...
Hm... I don't recall what comment I made to this effect. I've actually never encountered the idea of specifying Test IDs before. I could certainly ask around but I personally...
I think what I might have said is that I'm familiar with the issue tracking process (linking issue numbers in PRs) and the github checklist and such. But specifically the...
Okay actually, I HAVE had a brief discussion about this once with a colleague, talking about some testing framework. The question was whether there should be some ID generated for...
So correct me if I'm wrong but, since the `RelativePointer` class is now a part of the public API, anyone could in theory use it, which means that anyone can...