
Results 16 comments of gozfree

> As IOT library, I bet MQTT could be thought to support. And some typical and popular interfaces based on IOT platform/services could be thought to support. I have ported...

> Hello, @gozfree 想问下该库的终极目标是什么?是整合各种开源库代码还是要自己实现一套中间件呢 好问题。该库主要还是面向嵌入式开发环境,以中间件的形式,类似busybox一样提供丰富的库,方便快速实现嵌入式产品。

please show the complile error message. My env is cmake with "Unix Makefiles", not "ninja"

thank for your issue, hope you can send pull request and fix the porting problems on mingw/cygwin,

thansk for your practice,the each libxxx which compile failed should be stubbed until fix compile error. the eventfd is linux native api, and should be porting to windows or mingw...
