decimal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
decimal copied to clipboard

Immutable floating-point decimals for Go


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Package decimal implements immutable decimal floating-point numbers for Go. This package is designed specifically for use in transactional financial systems.


  • Immutability - Once a decimal is set, it remains unchanged. This immutability ensures safe concurrent access across goroutines.
  • Banker's Rounding - Methods use half-to-even rounding, also known as "banker's rounding", which minimizes cumulative rounding errors commonly seen in financial calculations.
  • No Panics - All methods are designed to be panic-free. Instead of potentially crashing your application, they return errors for issues such as overflow or division by zero.
  • Zero Heap Allocation - Methods are optimized to avoid heap allocations, reducing the impact on the garbage collector during arithmetic operations.
  • Simple String Representation - Decimals are represented in a strightforward format avoiding the complexities of scientific or engineering notations.
  • Correctness - Fuzz testing is used to cross-validate arithmetic operations against the cockroachdb/apd and shopspring/decimal packages.

Getting Started


To add the decimal package to your Go workspace:

go get


Create decimal values using one of the constructors. After creating a decimal value, various operations can be performed:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Constructors
    d, _ := decimal.New(8, 0)               // d = 8
    e, _ := decimal.Parse("12.5")           // e = 12.5
    f, _ := decimal.NewFromFloat64(2.567)   // f = 2.567
    g, _ := decimal.NewFromInt64(7, 896, 3) // g = 7.896

    // Operations
    fmt.Println(d.Add(e))          // 8 + 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.Sub(e))          // 8 - 12.5

    fmt.Println(d.Mul(e))          // 8 * 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.FMA(e, f))       // 8 * 12.5 + 2.567
    fmt.Println(d.Pow(2))          // 8 ^ 2

    fmt.Println(d.Quo(e))          // 8 ÷ 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.QuoRem(e))       // 8 div 12.5, 8 mod 12.5
    fmt.Println(d.Inv())           // 1 ÷ 8

    // Rounding to 2 decimal places
    fmt.Println(g.Round(2))        // 7.90
    fmt.Println(g.Ceil(2))         // 7.90
    fmt.Println(g.Floor(2))        // 7.89
    fmt.Println(g.Trunc(2))        // 7.89

    // Conversions
    fmt.Println(f.Int64(9))        // 2 567000000
    fmt.Println(f.Float64())       // 2.567
    fmt.Println(f.String())        // 2.567

    // Formatting
    fmt.Printf("%.2f\n", f)        // 2.57
    fmt.Printf("%.2k\n", f)        // 256.70%


For detailed documentation and additional examples, visit the package documentation. For examples related to financial calculations, see the money package documentation.


Comparison with other popular packages:

Feature govalues cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 shopspring/decimal v1.4.0
Speed High Medium Low[^reason]
Mutability Immutable Mutable[^reason] Immutable
Memory Footprint Low Medium High
Panic Free Yes Yes No[^divzero]
Precision 19 digits Arbitrary Arbitrary
Default Rounding Half to even Half up Half away from 0
Context Implicit Explicit Implicit

[^reason]: decimal package was created simply because shopspring/decimal was too slow and cockroachdb/apd was mutable.

[^divzero]: shopspring/decimal panics on division by zero.


goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700C  with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 
Test Case Expression govalues cockroachdb/apd v3.2.1 shopspring/decimal v1.4.0 govalues vs cockroachdb govalues vs shopspring
Add 5 + 6 16.06n 74.88n 140.90n +366.22% +777.33%
Mul 2 * 3 16.93n 62.20n 146.00n +267.40% +762.37%
QuoExact 2 ÷ 4 59.52n 176.95n 657.40n +197.30% +1004.50%
QuoInfinite 2 ÷ 3 391.60n 976.8n 2962.50n +149.39% +656.42%
Pow 1.1^60 950.90n 3302.50n 4599.50n +247.32% +383.73%
Pow 1.01^600 3.45µ 10.67µ 18.67µ +209.04% +440.89%
Pow 1.001^6000 5.94µ 20.50µ 722.22µ +244.88% +12052.44%
Parse 1 16.52n 76.30n 136.55n +362.00% +726.82%
Parse 123.456 47.37n 176.90n 242.60n +273.44% +412.14%
Parse 123456789.1234567890 85.49n 224.15n 497.95n +162.19% +482.47%
String 1 5.11n 19.57n 198.25n +283.21% +3783.07%
String 123.456 35.78n 77.12n 228.85n +115.52% +539.51%
String 123456789.1234567890 70.72n 239.10n 337.25n +238.12% +376.91%
Telco see specification 137.00n 969.40n 3981.00n +607.33% +2804.78%

The benchmark results shown in the table are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on your specific use case.