Twitch-Channel-Points-Miner copied to clipboard
Auto pick streamer
Is there a way to auto input the streamers names rather than type in the streamers name everytime I open the script?
not currently. My suggestion for the new version would be using a txt file and add/edit the names there..
I just did it on my fork, if you want to test it.
@Ryanevans94 You can try also my fork if you want :) accepts arguments of the streamer names separated by spaces so you could also make a .bat file that has this as its contents: start cmd.exe /k <streamer1> <streamer2> <...>
This of course only works if you have Windows.
Using the forks of the answers above this one also works, but if you want to start the program and have all of the streamer names auto input by running one file, you can use this solution.