android-base-library icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android-base-library copied to clipboard

Template project to create an Android library, which is ready to be published locally and on Maven Central.

Android Base Library Template

Template project to create an Android library, which is ready to be published locally and on Maven Central.

What's in this project template

  • Kotlin 1.4.32
  • KtLint
  • Android Testing setup for both unit and integration tests
  • Library project
  • Example app project which imports the library project
  • manifest.gradle which contains library metadata information and common dependencies between library project and demo app project.

Getting started

  • Fork this project
  • Clone it locally
  • Run ./rename and enter the required information
  • Done! Open example/build.gradle from your Android Studio and start writing your next awesome library!

Maven Central

Follow this guide:


You can release the library:

  • locally: ./release local. This is going to create a releases directory which can be used as a Maven Repository.
  • MavenCentral: ./release

Using the library

Once the library is published, you can use it like this:


Using your GitHub Repository as a Maven Repository

Perform ./release local and then push the releases directory. In your dependencies, add this to your repositories section:

maven {
    content { includeGroup "LIBRARY_PROJECT_GROUP" }
    credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials.class) {
        name = "Authorization"
        value = "Bearer ${ System.getenv('GITHUB_TOKEN') }"
    authentication { register("header", HttpHeaderAuthentication.class) }
    url ""

You need to add an environment variable in your .bash_profile for the github repo to work:


And then source .bash_profile