Goteo by @Platoniq
Goteo by @Platoniq
@edent does your apache have the mod_rewrite enabled?
We're refactoring it! merging the dropmeaword and jcanaves forks.
Hi @atifrasheed79 , Try to merge the new release, sure there will be conflicts. By the way, the Text class should be there at \Goteo\Library\Text.
Very true, We're working on a new version which will integrate new features. We'll be publishing it mid January. Do you have any plan to set up a Goteo btw?...
We've checket it logins with empty pasword on php 5.3.5 Please test-run the following code on /tests.php (create the file on document root) ``` $ver = phpversion(); echo "Ver: $ver";...
@jcanaves what do you mean?
You should NOT open yoursite.local/index.php but yoursite.local/ It seems mod_Rewrite not enabled somehow, so web server is searching for /xxx/xxx as directories instead of serve it to the dispatcher (index.php)....
On table 'user' delete the pasword for the 'root' user. Login with user: root and empty password. Go to 'localhost//admin/users/edit/root' and set a password. Logout and login-test.
Can we acces to this implementation? Send any credentials to [email protected]
How is the url you use to access ? Please check