Raymond Hill

Results 350 comments of Raymond Hill

I just saw that Opera 23 has a setting _"Delay opening of background tabs"_, which mitigates the problem here -- at least for those tabs which are not in the...

Do you have script blocked for that site?

There is no script. It's the `sandbox` directive [injected into the frame](https://github.com/gorhill/httpswitchboard/blob/master/js/traffic.js#L812), it blocks everything except two specific things. It's difficult to tune, and it looks like I will have...

> httpswitchboard does not remember settings if the browser crashes If you can confirm that you indeed persisted your rules using the padlock, then really if it still doesn't recover...

You will need to make a much better report, it's laking the "make the case" part -- and lacking a whole lots of details, like all the settings in uMatrix....

I followed your steps 1-3 above, and I could see `browser-update.org` and `googletagmanager.com` in wireshark. However I decided to repeat to be sure I did not forget anything, and now...

I could reproduce other instances. Typical output from wireshark: 10591 9.693043000 localhost => www-googletagmanager.l.google.com TCP 74 39775 > http [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=1237539 TSecr=0 WS=128 10594 9.694512000...

I can reproduce pretty consistently with Firefox. I haven't been able to reproduce with Chromium. This reinforces that this is a Firefox-specific issue.

I was pretty sure somebody entered this issue elsewhere, but can't find it (aside kitchen-sink issue #328). On the surface it seems to be a simple redirect to locally cached...

Any suggestions for what to show in the matrix when a green cell contains requests: - All redirected locally - Mix of local and remote ? Say I decide to...