Gustavo Goretkin

Results 85 comments of Gustavo Goretkin

> The one that is documented. You mean e.g. the functions that have docstrings?

Okay, perfect. There are *already* docstrings on not-exposed functions. Why are they there? And assuming that we're not going to remove them, why not generate the "documentation" (not the README)...

> * Look into whether the boundary conditions can be implemented more generally as views, perhaps moving more functionality to [PaddedViews]( A quick clarification, is the idea to replace `BorderArray`?...

I don't know enough about -0.0. Could you explain what makes the current behavior technically correct?

What about the sign on the real part? On Dec 9, 2014 5:59 PM, "Miles Lubin" [email protected] wrote: > Absolute value isn't differentiable at zero, so all we can expect...

Yeah, I'm with you... On Dec 9, 2014 6:13 PM, "Miles Lubin" [email protected] wrote: > -0.0 and 0.0 is a weird floating-point curiosity: > > julia> 0.0 == -0.0 >...

I was thinking about this again. Currently we have this situation: julia> z = Dual(-0.0,1.0) -0.0 + 1.0du julia> abs(z) -0.0 + 1.0du julia> sqrt(abs2(z)) dual(0.0,NaN) I understand why Calculus.jl...

@dlfivefifty I don't know, but I can say that it is doing what matches my intuition based on the auto-diff properties of Dual numbers ``` julia #repeated from above julia>...

What is ColladaLoader2? From the URL of the CDN and from the contents, it appears to be from this project: but THREE.js (in the examples folders) also has a...

I came across and perhaps a reasonable definition is: ` = Z3.num_val(Z3.ctx(x), 0, Z3.get_sort(x))` or perhaps ` = Z3.num_val(Z3.ctx(x), false, Z3.get_sort(x))` If the expression is of sort `bool`, it...