Gordo Lowrey

Results 50 comments of Gordo Lowrey

needs a doc update too, but i'll leave that to you since you have screenshots.

actually, i just realized, the output type for these should always be epub in .output, otherwise, they won't show up under the "ebooks" menu.

holy resurrection batman, lol. this thing hasn't been updated in 3 years haha

@wojcikstefan Why did you close this? You are indeed misunderstanding I think... I know EmbeddedDocumentListField exists in mongoengine already, I even linked to their documentation. The links are broken now,...

Indeed I would love to, but my time is limited until January. I can take a shot at it then, however.

Nope, I've just been using `db.ListField(db.EmbeddedDocumentField())` :( I think maybe all we need to do is add a converter here? https://github.com/MongoEngine/flask-mongoengine/blob/56caa8a8fc8f1b6b8e3d300ce0f38d2d1f906c1a/flask_mongoengine/wtf/orm.py#L161 https://github.com/MongoEngine/flask-mongoengine/blob/56caa8a8fc8f1b6b8e3d300ce0f38d2d1f906c1a/flask_mongoengine/wtf/orm.py#L192 Something that merges these two?

If nobody is working on this, I can take a stab at it in a week or so.

too busy myself, we've just worked around it in the meantime...

we ended up just using a listfield of embedded docs if i recall correctly. anything you can do with an EmbeddedDocumentList you can do with a List of EmbeddedDocuments and...

This library is based on an API that no longer exists... What's the point?