node-wechat-terminal copied to clipboard
The QR Code cannot be scanned
The QR code generated by the wechat-terminal cannot be scanned. I decoded the QR code and it's said no barcode is included.
same problem
any screenshot?
For your information, I use zsh with oh-my-zsh. I changed my font to Hack regular 14pt, a powerline font in order to support agnoster theme. And I get the following QR-code:
When I change my font to monoca 12pt, the QR-code looks like:
Any suggestion on the font and size?
The qrcode we got is generated with unicode char. See here
var platte= {
WHITE_ALL: '\u2588',
WHITE_BLACK: '\u2580',
BLACK_WHITE: '\u2584',
And these unicode chars have different padding in different fonts, which makes the qrcode we got disorted.