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How to scan for Eddystone's UID?
In Android there is a function which can filter the google nearby messages for a particular Eddystone or iBeacon id. i.e.
MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter.Builder()
.includeEddystoneUids(MY_EDDYSTONE_UID_NAMESPACE, null /* any instance */)
How do we do that in iOS? Function provided is below:
let beaconSubscription = messageManager.subscriptionWithMessageFoundHandler(
myMessageFoundHandler, messageLostHandler: myMessageLostHandler,
paramsBlock: { (params: GNSSubscriptionParams!) in
params.deviceTypesToDiscover = .BLEBeacon
params.messageNamespace = "com.mycompany.mybeaconservice"
params.type = "mybeacontype"
Basically in Android its simple, we just give the particular Eddystone UID & bam. But in iOS I need help.
Hi, this is also important for our use case, anyone in Nearby team working on this?