ios-nearby copied to clipboard
link error
The nearby sdk runs very well both simulator and device, but when I try unit test, the linker got an error below: ld: illegal text-relocation to '_kZipBeaconV3ServiceID' in /Users/baizhe/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyTeksi-fmtwanojygcmibhckitjhwjghnll/Build/Intermediates/CodeCoverage/Products/Testing-iphonesimulator/ from 'l032' in /Users/baizhe/Documents/passenger-ios-cherry/Pods/NearbyMessages/Libraries/libGNSMessages.a(PEBeacon.o) for architecture x86_64
Do I need a Position-Dependent library?
Any idea will be appreciate.
I'm facing same issue - is there any fix for that? @baizhe-grab @dan-webb
Same issue here on XCode 9.3. Any fix?
Still not. I just ignored this feature in UT =.=
@baizhe-grab How did you remove Nearby in UT and keeping it on main project?
I've got solution regarding it - It was related in my case to cocoapods and using abstract modules. When I moved my nested modules one level up ( removed abstract one ) then everything worked fine.
@Melzar Could you please specify CocoaPods version and provide more details (steps to follow) on how to fix it? Thanks
I had the same problem and after a few debugging hours, here is an example of how I solved that with removing NearbyMessages from test target. (With the help from baizhe-grab comment.)
Let's say we have two targets ProjectDev & ProjectProd.
Let's add a new test target ProjectTests.
We will still use the same abstract_target for multiple targets, but we will have a separate target for Test target but without NearbyMessages.
Podfile example:
platform :ios, '11.0'
abstract_target 'defaults' do
pod 'NearbyMessages'
pod 'RealmSwift'
target 'ProjectDev'
target 'ProjectProd'
target 'ProjectTests' do
pod 'RealmSwift'
How can this still be an issue?