google-signin-unity copied to clipboard
Google Sign-In API plugin for Unity game engine. Works with Android and iOS.
I have 3 diffrerent ios branch of 1. dev (for internal testflight test) / bundle id = 2. staging (for external testflight test) / bundle id = 3....
Hi. I’m GitHub Beginner. I have one question about this version. This latest version doesn’t have unitypackage file in release unlike the first versoin, it just has only ZipFile. I...
I am using unity GoogleSignIn. But not getting email is empty.
I've run into this error while using the example scene as directed in the ReadMe. Unlike outcomes other users have reported before, I'm 99% certain the issue isn't related to...
I have only used this plugin with sample package. I've setup firebase account too. I tried building the apk without firebase and provided web client id as well. Now when...
Is it possible for Google SignIn return the OAuth Token that can be used for accessing Google services like Classroom, Docs, Sheets API? I had asked this question on Stackoverflow...
Whenever user clicks "Google Sign In" button on a device iOS 13+, "Continue / Cancel" Screen show up and disappear immediately. At debug console, it says "User cancelled sign in"...
I am trying to sign in with google. using this package after imported Google Admob. `2021-12-04 17:01:59.692 23995-24027/? A/llah.HooperTes:] JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: mid == null] in...
Hello, I'm using Google sing-in for a Unity app, but **we send the IdToken that we receive to our server**. on the server for security reasons **we check issued_to variable**...
My company spent a lot of time testing and troubleshooting this, so it seems like a good idea to add those lines for anyone who would be stuck at the...