google-signin-unity copied to clipboard
Google Sign-In API plugin for Unity game engine. Works with Android and iOS.
Normal Google login is working but silent google login is not working. Getting "Error exception of type 'google.googlesignin+signin exception' was thrown" error
I worked M1 Mac when import unitypackage has error ``` Assembly 'Assets/PlayServicesResolver/Editor/Google.VersionHandlerImpl_v1.2.89.0.dll' will not be loaded due to errors: Assembly name 'Google.VersionHandlerImpl' does not match file name 'Google.VersionHandlerImpl_v1.2.89.0' ``` Does...
I am using the sample, already set a webclient id for web app, and also did the android app client id. In the sample im usig the web client. The...
Tried both the example app and the plugin for unity, they unfortunately both throw this error upon opening unity for the first time with it, before running or even editing...
From the sample code, it seems like when I sign out first, theConfiguration becomes null and when I sign in after, it stays null and causes app crash. So I've...
GoogleSignIn.DefaultInstance causes a crash, who had such a thing?
Apple's upcoming policy enforcement of ITMS-90809 (see requires that apps can no longer depend on the UIWebView component. The main iOS dependency for this plugin only works with GoogleSignIn...
Hi there! Here's a screenshot from a crash scenario with a project with Google SignIn plugin on it. (The build is release-type and therefore needs Proguard rules.) [EDIT: The crash...