google-signin-unity copied to clipboard
Google Sign-In API plugin for Unity game engine. Works with Android and iOS.
Hi, We would like to know how to force account choose popup every time the user wants to sign in. Right now, if you sign in with an account, even... GoogleSignIs Sdk use 7.1.0 but this package not able I'm sorry for not being able to speak English.
SignInSilently doesn't work on iOS. Since 5.0.0, it is said to use restorePreviousSignIn. Is there a solution? Did Google dump Unity users? I want to buy more stock and attend...
On creating a new Unity project (2018.4.8f1) and importing the following packages : google-signin-plugin-1.0.4.unitypackage and GoogleSignIn-sample.unitypackage, I get this error : Assets\GoogleSignIn\GoogleSignIn.cs(117,12): error CS0433: The type 'Task' exists in both...
- Update ios version from @CodeMasterYi branch - Remove googleSignIn.jar build system. Use raw java as plugin with unity build pipeline instead - Add support for Editor signin with `HttpListener`...
This sdk version is not working on IOS as its throwing errors. & UnityFramework 8 issues GoogleSignin × No type or protocol named 'GIDSigninDelegate' vI GoogleSigninAppController × Property 'clientID' not...
This plugin is no longer functioning. Why isn't it updated or archived?? It is wasting time and effort of the developers who try to use the plugin. Is it planned...
Update native sdk version to latest & refactor iOS adapter! before google's future new release(greater than 1.0.4 released in 2018), you guys can try import this. [[email protected]]( It depends on...
I set up the unity package for this project as well as the sample project within my VR project for the Quest 2. After fixing all the errors I built...
Hi! Does anyone knows how to build the support library for x86 and x86_64 architectures? And generate the srcarr and all the necessary?! thank you