android-vision copied to clipboard
Deprecated: The Mobile Vision API is now a part of ML Kit: Check out this repo:
8/14 19:27:18: Launching 'app' on Pixel 2 (Edited) API 29. $ adb shell am start -n "com.project.fatigueddetection/com.project.fatigueddetection.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Waiting for process to come online... Connected to process...
Normally I don't like to post questions in issue trackers, but I think this will be of interest to a lot of developers using this API. So here it goes:...
Is there any chance ( or will it be possible in the future ) to provide a custom font to be recognized by the OCR? In general it works very...
Calling BarcodeCaptureActivity as startActivityForResult causing... NPE Unable to destroy activity {....activities.BarcodeCapture.BarcodeCaptureActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Thread$State java.lang.Thread.getState()' on a null object reference. on --->FrameProcessingRunnable `@SuppressLint("Assert")` ` void...
I am referring below codelab link to implement sample OCR application where I need to read alphanumeric text from images. Text on image is having OCR-A font type. Problem...
This is the log: ``` ChimeraCfgMgr: Updating module config: ads_fdr:2108905005120000,container:2112139120304+vision.barcode,enpromo:2115040025120000,measurement:2185120000 -> ads_fdr:2108905005120000,container:2112139120304+vision.barcode,enpromo:2115040025120000 BroadcastQueue: Background execution not allowed: receiving Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) } to$PersistentInternalReceiver ChimeraCfgMgr: Sending
im trying to use barcode-reader in visionSamples to implement in webview in my existing app. So I started off with adding BarcodeCaptureActivity class (copy and paste from sample) and added...
While testing can detect some barcodes from nowhere while I hold the phone in my hands, and do not direct camera to any bar code. Maybe it's a message from...
I'm having everything the same as in this sample except my activity layout is this: ``` ``` My tablet is in landscape and I want that the cameraPreviewSource is always...
I'm impressed with the performance of the Mobile Vision barcode library vs that of ZXing, but MV is not able to read my truncated PDF417 barcodes, whereas ZXing does. These...