android-vision copied to clipboard
Ears are never getting detected.
LEFT_EAR_TIP, LEFT_EAR, RIGHT_EAR_TIP, RIGHT_EAR are never getting detected.
Are other landmarks being detected?
What is the image resolution and face size within the image?
The resolution is same as the one in "FaceTracker" example.
Yes, Ear landmark is never getting detected.
Other 8 landmarks are coming but not able to detect ear landmarks from getlandmark() method.
For IOS ,they are able to detect the ear position properly but for android it is not . Please answer for this, i have spend around 2 months for this issue.
Can you provide the sample image you're trying to detect the face with ?
These are all the images am trying to detect the ear position , for ios the ear position coming properly but for android it is not coming .Please answer for this orelse we can't complete this project.
and one more thing is Other 8 landmarks are coming but not able to detect ear landmarks from getlandmark() method in android.
Can you also provide your FaceDetector configuration? Can you also try the following configuration? FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector.Builder(context) .setTrackingEnabled(true) .setMode(FaceDetector.ACCURATE_MODE) .setLandmarkType(FaceDetector.ALL_LANDMARKS) .build();
I have tried your above code for my image
plz look at the green circle .only these things are coming . but i want that for ear.
here i have attached the sample image and code too.
plz take a look.
FaceDetector detector = new FaceDetector.Builder(getApplicationContext())
That image works fine in my test App.
Can you output all landmark types, and check if LEFT_EAR is detected? The top right landmark looks like a wrongly positioned LEFT_EAR to me.
Could you plz send the exact code that you have used to detect the ear position? and also share me the screen shot of my image with ear position detection. so i can see where the exact ear position is coming for you. Thanks for your reply...
Did you ever figure out how to get the scale to properly place the landmarks in real time video? I have tried multiple things but no luck.
Ears are not detected till now. Using play-services-vision: 11.8.0
Is there any way to detect the ears. Same as above images.
I am also facing the same issue, is there any solution yet?