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Connect on Chrome OS
For some reason I am totally unable to connect to Coder on my Chromebook. I can connect totally fine on my Mac Mini and Windows desktop. I am given an error about DNS. Is this because of a way that the Chrome OS handles DNS as opposed to how it works on the other desktops or is this just a weird bug for me?
Make sure your chromebook is updated to the latest version of chrome os. mDNS should work, but I know it wasn't added until more recently. On Sep 21, 2013 5:57 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
For some reason I am totally unable to connect to Coder on my Chromebook. I can connect totally fine on my Mac Mini and Windows desktop. I am given an error about DNS. Is this because of a way that the Chrome OS handles DNS as opposed to how it works on the other desktops or is this just a weird bug for me?
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I am currently running: version 31.0.1631 dev platform 4701.0.0 (Official Built) dev-channel parrot Firmware Google_Parrot.2685.37.0
Can you try the full URL including http:// at the front?
Do you recall seeing a certificate error or did it just not resolve the name? On Sep 21, 2013 6:04 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
I am currently running: version 31.0.1631 dev platform 4701.0.0 (Official Built) dev-channel parrot Firmware Google_Parrot.2685.37.0
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When I try:
- coder.local
- http://coder.local
I get "Oops! Google Chrome could not find coder.local"
When I try https://coder.local I actually get an error that says DNS lookup has failed.
This is the actual error.
The server at coder.local can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
Is anybody else on a Chromebook able to connect?
I use it with my chromebook at the office. Will need to double check when I get back in.
Is your chromebook on the same network as the working machines? Wireless or ethernet? On Sep 21, 2013 6:13 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
This is the actual error.
The server at coder.local can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed. DNS is the network service that translates a website's name to its Internet address. This error is most often caused by having no connection to the Internet or a misconfigured network. It can also be caused by an unresponsive DNS server or a firewall preventing Google Chrome from accessing the network.
Is anybody else on a Chromebook able to connect?
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Both the Raspberry Pi and Chromebook are on the same wireless network. My desktops are on the wired network.
Ping coder.local from your Mac, scribble down the IP and try connecting to that from chromebook. That'll tell us if this is a deeper network problem or an mdns problem.
Also is this the coderconfig network or a real WiFi access point? Wireless setup is still a bit less flawless than I'd like it to be. On Sep 21, 2013 6:37 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
Both the Raspberry Pi and Chromebook are on the same wireless network. My desktops are on the wired network.
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It worked when I connected directly to the ip address (should have thought of that earlier, sorry). This is on the regular WiFi, not the coderconfig network, I had originally set it up on Ethernet and then connected the WiFi adapter after seeing the "config wireless settings" I originally had this running on my model b but then decided it was a use for my model a (finally) and due to the lack of Ethernet jack I just decided to use wireless.
This makes me think it is an issue with dns as opposed to an issue with Coder.
OK cool. So let's see if it's just a quirk with avahi (mdns). ssh into your pi and run:
sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart
This should force it to rebroadcast the mdns address. Then try to connect from your chromebook again.
If it still doesn't work, I suspect your WiFi router isn't allowing multicast stuff to work. Someone else mentioned this issue for their router and it required a settings adjustment. On Sep 21, 2013 7:08 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
It worked when I connected directly to the ip address (should have thought of that earlier, sorry). This is on the regular WiFi, not the coderconfig network, I had originally set it up on Ethernet and then connected the WiFi adapter after seeing the "config wireless settings" I originally had this running on my model b but then decided it was a use for my model a (finally) and due to the lack of Ethernet jack I just decided to use wireless.
This makes me think it is an issue with dns as opposed to an issue with Coder.
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I ran the command but it still does not like connecting using coder.local, My router is allowing multicasts and I am able to connect to the pi using a different computer. That is why I was wondering if the issue was because of Chrome OS. The ip does work though.
Doesn't seem to be an issue with Coder or the pi though, probably a network related issue.
I'll test a couple chromebooks on Monday and let you know what I find. Thanks for helping me debug this! On Sep 21, 2013 9:56 PM, "Daniel Blair" [email protected] wrote:
I ran the command but it still does not like connecting using coder.local, My router is allowing multicasts and I am able to connect to the pi using a different computer. That is why I was wondering if the issue was because of Chrome OS. The ip does work though.
Doesn't seem to be an issue with Coder or the pi though, probably a network related issue.
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I'm happy to help, I am interested to see if it is a common problem. If it matters I am using an Acer C7 chromebook that I have put into developer mode and I have Ubuntu running with Crouton. This shouldn't affect the operating system but the more information the better. I also was unable to get it to connect with DNS through Chrome on my Ubuntu side.
I did also try connecting the Chromebook to an Ethernet cable and it did not want to connect just as if it was on Wifi.
My router is an Asus RT-N53
I'm having the same issue on my Samsung 303C running the latest ChromeOS - can't view Coder on my Chromebook via http://coder.local. However, the solution to connect directly to Pi via it's IP address works fine. Pi is wired, Chromebook is wireless. Wired and wireless PC & Mac both work great just going to http://coder.local.
I had same issue and I fixed it by changing my preferred DNS server to in windows.
I know this is an older issue but I am also facing it. Able to connect via hostname from all other devices except chromebook. Can access via ip, but not the local hostname.
Chrome books/boxes lack the mDNS software used to discover your Pi. On your Pi you are running Avahi which provides that function.
@CVBruce yeah i found the answer elsewhere and just ended up changing my /etc/hosts.
Thanks for the info.
There are feature requests and bugs in the Chrome OS to make it work.
If you have a google account, log in and star these: original feature request and current bug.
Currently less than 100 people have 'starred' the issue, so the developers think we don't care too much about fixing it.