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Cloud Tasks - body stripped away from %GoogleApi.CloudTasks.V2.Model.AppEngineHttpRequest{}

Open brunoripa opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments


I am creating an AppEngineHttpRequest:

  defp create_gae_request(uri, start, limit),
    do: %GoogleApi.CloudTasks.V2.Model.AppEngineHttpRequest{
      httpMethod: "POST",
      relativeUri: uri,
      headers: %{"Content-Type" => "application/json"}
      body: %{"start" => start, "limit" => limit} |> Jason.encode!() |> Base.url_encode64(padding: true)

The inspection correctly shows:

  appEngineRouting: nil,
  body: "eyJsaW1pdCI6MTAsInN0YXJ0IjowfQ==",
  headers: %{"Content-Type" => "application/json"},
  httpMethod: "POST",
  relativeUri: "/tasks/fetch_messages"

But when I create the task, the resulting struct shows and empty body:

   appEngineHttpRequest: %GoogleApi.CloudTasks.V2.Model.AppEngineHttpRequest{
     appEngineRouting: %GoogleApi.CloudTasks.V2.Model.AppEngineRouting{
       host: redacted,
       instance: nil,
       service: nil,
       version: nil
     body: nil,
     headers: %{
       "Content-Length" => "22",
       "Content-Type" => "application/json",
       "User-Agent" => "AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)"
     httpMethod: "POST",
     relativeUri: "/tasks/fetch_messages"
   createTime: ~U[2020-03-11 07:59:23Z],
   dispatchCount: nil,
   dispatchDeadline: nil,
   firstAttempt: nil,
   httpRequest: nil,
   lastAttempt: nil,
   name: redacted,
   responseCount: nil,
   scheduleTime: ~U[2020-03-11 07:59:23.644602Z],
   view: "BASIC"

and clearly the tasks returns 400 since the url accepts a body which is not being sent.

Am I missing something ?

brunoripa avatar Mar 11 '20 08:03 brunoripa