swift-benchmark copied to clipboard
What's the status of this project?
Given the recent news about S4TF being archived, I wonder if anybody will continue working on this.
Would it perhaps be a good idea to seek out a new home for it?
Are there actual issues that need to be addressed and aren't being addressed?
- Adding the script from #85 would be a good start. The output could be made more readable, but it's better than nothing.
- Perhaps also graphical output?
- "black hole" functions and the like would be welcome additions (#69). Also see blackHole and identity functions in
I wouldn't mind adding some of these things, but I'm not sure if this repository is being maintained.
I think Swift could really use a better benchmarking library than XCTest
, and this one is really good, so it might make sense to move it to the apple
organisation alongside other Swift projects (swift-format
, swift-collections
, etc), so the community would have a new location to collaborate on improvements.
Perhaps it could even be merged with swift-collections-benchmark
. They test different things, of course (scalability of collections vs. performance of code snippets), but together they could begin to form a more comprehensive benchmarking library.
As far as outputs / visual are concerned it might be useful to be able to emit data in JMH style json files, this way we could leverage a lot of existing tooling, like this https://jmh.morethan.io/
@ktoso if google/benchmark supports that format, I think would be a good reason to support it here as well.
@karwa I think that graphical output is something that I would prefer not to be part of this project. We should instead generate the data in a format that can be consumed by other tools and be used for plotting and analysis.
@ktoso if google/benchmark supports that format, I think would be a good reason to support it here as well.
not sure about google/benchmark, but it is the de facto standard format for benchmark results in the jvm ecosystem (and part of the jdk), the format is very boring, so I think we could easily support it :)
Hmm, happen to have a good reference for the format?
I checked in with the primary maintainer, it isn't formally specified but has not changed since years: https://twitter.com/shipilev/status/1427889432451944449
On the page I linked there's example JSONs though if you just want a quick skim, it's a pretty simple format. E.g. "load single run example" is
"benchmark": "io.morethan.javabenchmarks.showcase.QuickBenchmark.sleep100Milliseconds",
"mode": "avgt",
"threads": 1,
"forks": 1,
"warmupIterations": 0,
"warmupTime": "1 s",
"warmupBatchSize": 1,
"measurementIterations": 1,
"measurementTime": "1 s",
"measurementBatchSize": 1,
"primaryMetric": {
"score": 102.7422955,
"scoreError": "NaN",
"scoreConfidence": [
"scorePercentiles": {
"0.0": 102.7422955,
"50.0": 102.7422955,
"90.0": 102.7422955,
"95.0": 102.7422955,
"99.0": 102.7422955,
"99.9": 102.7422955,
"99.99": 102.7422955,
"99.999": 102.7422955,
"99.9999": 102.7422955,
"100.0": 102.7422955
"scoreUnit": "ms/op",
"rawData": [
"secondaryMetrics": {}
Hmm, so, I looked into google/benchmark, and it does have JSON format output support. I would rather have the same output style. If JMH is important to you, then I'd be open to the idea of a jq
script to convert from the google/benchmark format to the JMH format.
Why not allow for --format=...
? The default format may of course be the google/benchmark one 👍
is already available, and json
is one of the options :)
Oh sorry I missed that then :)
Not pretending it's clean, but by modifying your main.swift
file you can get JMH output without too much effort.
As an MVP:
import Benchmark
import Foundation
var runner = BenchmarkRunner(
suites: [
settings: parseArguments(),
customDefaults: defaultSettings
try runner.run()
extension Array where Element == Double {
var sum: Double {
var total: Double = 0
for x in self {
total += x
return total
var mean: Double {
if count == 0 {
return 0
} else {
let invCount: Double = 1.0 / Double(count)
return sum * invCount
var median: Double {
guard count >= 2 else { return mean }
// If we have odd number of elements, then
// center element is the median.
let s = self.sorted()
let center = count / 2
if count % 2 == 1 {
return s[center]
// If have even number of elements we need
// to return an average between two middle elements.
let center2 = count / 2 - 1
return (s[center] + s[center2]) / 2
func percentile(_ v: Double) -> Double {
if v < 0 {
fatalError("Percentile can not be negative.")
if v > 100 {
fatalError("Percentile can not be more than 100.")
if count == 0 {
return 0
let sorted = self.sorted()
let p = v / 100.0
let index = (Double(count) - 1) * p
var low = index
var high = index
if low == high {
return sorted[Int(low)]
} else {
let lowValue = sorted[Int(low)] * (high - index)
let highValue = sorted[Int(high)] * (index - low)
return lowValue + highValue
extension Array {
func chunked(into size: Int) -> [[Element]] {
return stride(from: 0, to: count, by: size).map {
Array(self[$0 ..< Swift.min($0 + size, count)])
let jmhResult: [[String: Any]] = runner.results.map { result in
let chunks = Array(result.measurements.prefix(20 * 5)).chunked(into: 20)
return [
"benchmark": "\(result.suiteName).\(result.benchmarkName)",
"mode": "avgt",
"threads": 1,
"forks": chunks.count,
"measurementIterations": result.measurements.count,
"measurementTime": "\(result.measurements.sum) \(result.settings.timeUnit.description)",
"measurementBatchSize": 1,
"warmupIterations": result.warmupMeasurements.count,
"warmupTime": "\(result.warmupMeasurements.sum) \(result.settings.timeUnit.description)",
"warmupBatchSize": 1,
"primaryMetric": [
"score": "\(result.measurements.median)",
"scoreUnit": result.settings.timeUnit.description.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces),
"scorePercentiles": [
"0.0": result.measurements.percentile(0),
"50.0": result.measurements.percentile(50),
"90.0": result.measurements.percentile(90),
"95.0": result.measurements.percentile(95),
"99.0": result.measurements.percentile(99),
"99.9": result.measurements.percentile(99.9),
"99.99": result.measurements.percentile(99.99),
"99.999": result.measurements.percentile(99.999),
"99.9999": result.measurements.percentile(99.9999),
"100.0": result.measurements.percentile(100),
"rawData": chunks
"secondaryMetrics": []
let jmh = try String(decoding: JSONSerialization.data(
withJSONObject: jmhResult,
options: [.prettyPrinted, .withoutEscapingSlashes]
), as: UTF8.self)
let path = FileManager.default.currentDirectoryPath + "/\(UUID().uuidString).json"
try jmh.write(toFile: path, atomically: true, encoding: .utf8)
print("\nWritten JMH results to \(path)")