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A collection of tools, libraries, and tests for Vulkan shader compilation.

Results 147 shaderc issues
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I'm getting segfault and stack overflow failures in the bots. The signature of the failure is: 4 - spirv-tools-test_spirv_unit_tests (SEGFAULT) 9 - spirv-tools-test_opt (Exit code 0xc0000409 17 - spirv-tools-test_val_abcde (SEGFAULT)...

The relevant contents of my CMakeLists.txt are: ``` #spirv-headers (NEEDED ONLY FOR SPIRV-TOOLS) FetchContent_Declare( spirv-headers GIT_REPOSITORY [email protected]:KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Headers GIT_TAG 1.5.3 EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(spirv-headers) #spirv-tools (NEEDED ONLY FOR SHADERC) FetchContent_Declare( spirv-tools...

I tried to build glslc without HLSL support but the final executables don't consider the ENABLE_HLSL option and instead always want to link the HLSL libs. I'm compiling with emscripten...

Even though I'm using -E switch for pre-processing only, glslc shows the following error: "ES shaders for SPIR-V require version 310 or higher" for shaders which have #version 300 es...

We would find extremely useful if `shaderc::CompileOptions::IncluderInterface::GetInclude` were getting line number in requesting source where preprocessor found `#include` directive. Why? For specific reasons we're inserting a few lines at the...

When `glslc` is used to compile shaders with `-O` flag, the reflection data is always stripped. This may not always be desired. For example: ``` #version 450 layout (location =...

It seems that using anything other than "main" for the entry point name results in the following error, even if the entry point function with that name exists in the...

Hey, I have the following glsl function: ``` bool add_particle(inout ParticleBufferHeader header, out uint index) { index = atomicAdd(header.count, 1); if (index >= header.capacity) { return false; } else {...


There have been several issues compiling C++ projects in GCC 10.1 under MSYS2/MinGW recently, usually missing an explicit include of cstd... headers. This project seems to be one of them:...

Compiling this shader with `glslc --target-env=vulkan1.2 test.spvasm -o test.spv`: ``` OpCapability Shader OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 OpEntryPoint Fragment %main "main" %gl_FragColor OpExecutionMode %main OriginUpperLeft OpSource GLSL 330 OpName %main "main" OpName...
